DOWNLOAD HERE DESCRIPTION: MLG The Oracle is a reverse symmetrical map built in The Crypt, using up almost all of its space so it's a fairly large map, ideal for 4v4 games. When forging this map I actually didn't give gameplay too much thought. Honestly, I got tired of designing maps entirely based on how they should play because they always ended up not playing that way, so I simply started by building the center piece and just let it grew from there. What grew out of it proved to be a map with better gameplay than any map that I've made before, haha! The map has two towers for each base, Yellow and Pink (snipe tower) and offers some pretty interesting gameplay since the floor is used almost as much as the elevated parts of the map for travel. Now, after a few weeks of forging, cursing the objects for moving and waiting for people to test it with -I'm finally satisfied. There might be a few bumps here and there but during the testing, I never noticed them. The map supports all four official MLG gametypes and plays really well with Free For All. Please not though, that during testing we played CTF 5Flag and it was extremely hard to capture the flag because of the short recover time so I suggest you play the MLG Flag Pit gametype. WEAPONS AND POWER-UPS: BR x 4 (located at Yellow and Pink on both sides) Carbine x 2 (located at the top mid corners) Mauler x 2 (located in both basements) Sniper Rifle x 2 (located top Pink on both sides > drop spawn > 150 second respawn) Frag Grenade x 8 (located at Yellow and Pink on both sides) Plasma Grenade x 8 (located bottom mid Pink and under Yellow on both sides) Custom Power-Up (located top mid > 120 second respawn > spawn at start: NO) SUPPORTED GAMETYPES (4v4): MLG Team Slayer MLG Capture The Flag (Pit version) MLG Oddball MLG King Of The Hill (teams start the game in a face-off similar to Construct) I hope you guys enjoy it. I was supposed to have some gameplay to post with it but it seems to be delayed. I'm going to get some more pictures up later though. It's 5 in the morning here and I'm starting to get a bit sleepy.. Any constructive criticism is appreciated! DOWNLOAD HERE
Very nice looking map. I can see how u shaped it like an oracle. The layout is Alright and the asthetics couldve been better. Good map 4/5