If reach wasnt destroyed what would happen? would the covenant be at a big disadvantage, or would humanity still be in big trouble with the lack of ships?
humanity would still die, the covenant would know the location of earth, the humans would all go to reach because it is supposedly "safe", and then the covenant would come with a bigger armada then the first battle at reach, and totally kill everybody at once.
if it was attacked in the first place, why would they think its safe? according to the books, the covenent would always finish what they started
nice idea I think still having reach would have been huge not just for production of ships and weapon research but also for moral. The war might have ended years sooner.
Should Reach have not been discovered by the Covenant, I think the Humans would at least have an advantage. Before the Battle of Reach, thirty or so Spartans were preparing to launch an attack on a Covenant world to capture a prophet and cause mass panic, in hopes of the Covenant resorting to diplomacy. Plus, it would give humans the time to fortify the inner planets, or plan another black op.
Earth is safer then Reach. Reach is the number two prime location for the UNSC. The UNSC would've owned the covenant with massive fleets, 30+ spartans, considering more would've been trained, and lots of spartan 3's. Imagine your enemy has 25x John 117 EDIT NVM, what would've happened: John-117 doesn't flee reach. Covenant don't find Halo 4. UNSC have no idea about them. Covenant find Halo 5. Covenant activate Halo 5. Everyone dies.
Reach was attacked by only a small fraction of the Covenant fleet, and the force that attacked earth was a recon force to a possible world of Forerunner artifacts. Ie, humanity would be ****ed anyway.
It's been a bit since I read Ghost of Onyx, but don't the covenant just glass part of the planet, and not completely destroy reach?
I think that the Covenant glassed nearly all of Reach, but left a very small fraction of land un-glassed. I think that was the entrance to the CASTLE base...I forget, I haven't read it in a while either...
Halo 4 and 5? The first halo was known as "Alpha Halo" or Halo #1. The second was known as "Delta Halo" or "Halo 4". The Halo in Halo 3 is "Alpha Halo (II)" or the second re-incarnate of Alpha Halo.
The covenant were already at the 1st array when the Pillar of Autumn jumped into orbit by random vector coordinates.