Tirega Prime "The walls of this facility still hum with the voices of past scientific wonders. Others whisper defeat." DOWNLOAD TIREGA PRIME YouTube- Tirega Prime - Halo 3 Map Forge and Screenshot Project SUMMARY Tirega Prime is a close-range map on the Sandbox floor with a mid-range sniping component. The map is symmetrical about the middle, although left and right sides are variable in design. An intersection allows for clever grenade throws, and small upper levels create interesting yet quick combat scenarios. Works best with Free For All Slayer. WEAPONS ON MAP Rocket Launcher x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Mauler x1 Battle Rifle x2 Active Camo x1 Plasma Grenade x1 Frag Grenade x1 Plasma Rifle x1 SMG x1 Active Camo x1 SCREENSHOTS Overhead view of the map. Red Chamber (SMG Spawn) Middle Hall (Wing Intersection) Reactor Core (Rocket Hall) Right Wing Junction Overwatch (Sniper Spawn) DOWNLOAD TIREGA PRIME
Looks like a great map and all, but compared to what this site is used to seeing all the time it is very messy. From what I can see, the only merging is in the "right wing junction" so you obviously know HOW to merge but you choose not to on the rest of your map...that is disappointing. Also there are parts you can fix without merging ex- SMG spawn, if you placed some tube ramps next to the smg then you won't have to jump to get out of the smg spawn. Yeah but despite all that it looks like you've used some fairly unique ideas. 2/5 If you don't know how to ghost merge click this link- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/forging-101/93485-ghost-merging.html
I did indeed merge objects where necessary on the map. Quite a few times viewers have looked at my maps, noticed the absence of merging, and then expressed their discontent without playing on the map. I merged when I needed to. I aimed for aesthetic detail in hand with simplicity. Merging is not a vital component of the map's overall structure. If I truly wanted to incorporate tube ramps into the Red and Blue Chambers, I could have, but I chose not to. One can reach Overwatch by going straight through the center. The Chambers are optional, and for flanking. Think of it as an obstacle. I appreciate your review though, and I'm glad you checked out the video.
alright. so the map itself looks pretty escapeable. in your last picture it looks as though you could either grenade jump or simply just jump on the tips of the angeled blocks or whatever those are that you stacked up. to easily fix that you can add a roof. or if you dont want to do that add a ledge at the top so it would look like this (looking from the top): what it is now: | what it could be: ( a ledge on top just makes it so they cant push up the wall with a grenade jump or any other jump.
I started merging in some tube ramps to make walking less bumpy, and added a roof. I'll put that version on my File Share some time. Sloppy? Simple maybe.. but not sloppy.
HOLD ON. You're saying you made this map, in it's entirety, in 90 minutes?! The map's pretty average, but making something as functional and diverse as this in 90 minutes is a triumph. Although it's basically a cluster**** in the middle with ARs, since there's a lack of other weapons, it still looks like fun and I'mma download it just to see how it plays. But seriously, 90 minutes? ****. EDIT: Fyi, the spawns are pretty horrible. Never let someone spawn facing a wall, they won't know what to and they'll be a sitting target for a wary opponent. Also, you can escape the map without even jumping; just crouch past the camo.
Think of it as an obstacle?? No, I will not be "thinking of it as an obstacle" Regardless of your defense, how is merging not needed there? Map flow and player movement are linked directly, and in that kind of a tube, when you're walking, drop down a tad bit and then need to jump the same distance back up, is an annoyance and a waste of time. What happens if you're walking backwards shooting at an oncoming opponant, fall down, continue walking backwards, get stuck on the tube and die because of it? Frustration happens. Aesthetics and interlocking come hand in hand as well, I don't see how you can have good aesthetics without interlocking. Honestly, without interlocking, you're basically throwing your aesthetic aspect of the map out the window. There are many many places in this map where I don't see how you "focused" on aesthetics, I can point them out to you if you wish. Now, simplicity is not a bad thing, but a lack of effort, is a completely seperate category. Overall, the map, (to me) only looks okay, it's definetely escapable, (again, if you want me to point out where, I'll be glad to). I haven't played it, so I can't say that it's a bad map, but there's nothing really about the design that really stands out IMO. (Actually there are things that make me think the contrary). Again, all of this is based off the pictures, I haven't downloaded it, and frankly, won't be until you clean this map up. I am well aware that interlocking doesn't mean good gameplay, but I can see areas where a lack of interlocking is a detriment to the map. If you want me to elaborate more upon the map, XBL = Noxiw. Note: None of this response is in meant to be misconstrued as rude, I am simply stating my mind.
The map looks OK. Looks like you started it off very well, then started to get lazy with it towards your finishing touch ups. The merging is pretty swell. The weapon list is sloppy I will admit, the way the map layout is, you wanna throw the same weapon list at least on each side to make the game play more even. Towards the back of the map is where you could spruce up the different types of weapons. Over I give a 3/5. Hope to see a V.2
I think what your saying is interlocking is not needed on things like double blocks but, it really is because of grenades. Sometimes the grenades go through the tiny space in between double blocks like, every 1/10 times. Other than that, people could easily escape, but it looks like they wouldn't get anywhere. Nobody wants somebody to **** off around outside the map though. So, I suggest higher walls or a roof or something someone else has said. As said before, 90 minutes is an accomplishment. Also, the map looks good but, tubes are terrible. Just look at them! Its bumpy when you connect them and the tube ramps are dumb and don't work. So, make hallways instead. Although you meant for this, that tube pile is a bad idea. It just isn't good. replace it with anything! Other than those things, it looks good but, no download from me just yet. Maybe a version two? Also, make sure your spawns are good please? TRY to get some testing in before posting it. Edit: Also, the video is really shweet. We need some people to film some for us.
I tried replying to everyone in this message, haha.. MERGING Yeah, I suppose I definitely need to integrate some more interlocking into the map. But I still aim to make a brilliant map without the latter. SPAWNS I still need spawn practice, indeed. TIME SPENT Yes, the entire map was achieved in 90 minutes. I came up with the rocket hall concept in my head, and just went off of that. VIDEO Glad you like it, man! You know, I really would do that. I don't enjoy filming as much as enjoy editing, and I would prefer clips being sent to me, but it's always a possibility. When I get the time, I'll start a thread for something like this. I can make more intense videos, I usually just don't have the time. VERSION 2 I might continue working on this map, but I think I'd rather move onto something else. I can fix the spawns (I've already added a roof and smooth floors (not uploaded)), but to make the map truly perfect it needs to be a bit less.. hallway-y. I'm still 'new' at map making I suppose. My best creation so far was the front-paged on Bungie "Lethal Test," which was a really simple puzzle map. I want to make some Slayer-worthy content though. I plan to make a larger map next go around. Thanks for the input, from everyone.
Looks pretty good. However, i see a few places where putting tube ramps would help. Also, in regard to one of your previous posts, just bear in mind that you should expect criticism when you put a map on FH.
And criticism is just what I'm looking for here! As long as it's constructive, that is. Glad to know that you like it based on the screens, thanks!
very simple but yet very appealing to me I dont really care if its sloppy as long as I can play on it
Damn, this is a pretty good map for not having any merging! It looks like it plays a lot like Epitaph. I'll check it out ASAP Also, a worry I have: It looks way too easy to escape the map.
This late into Halo 3's forge, good luck with that. It's not impossible, only very improbable. Simple solution: Interlock.
Thanks to additional commentators, glad you like the map! I just recently found a place that's way too easy to get out of. I'm going to upload a version with that fixed, and smooth floors later on.
90 minutes for a map is crazy lol. take some time on your map, you'll thank yourself when your finished and have a work of art to call your own. this has potential but needs some work. if you want my opinion tube pieces rarely work for gameplay but can be used aestheticly (if thats a word lol) if you get creative with it. when laying down pieces and merging try using support blocks to make sure everything lines up correctly. also you may want to learn some more advanced techniques like geo-merging/ghost merging if you havent already. i just learned how to ghost merge like 2 days ago (i know im behind the times lol). i really wish i knew how to do that for my last project, but anyways clean stuff up, tweek some things and you'll be getting alot more people to download and play on your map. have fun and be patient
Thanks for the comment. Yeah, now I definitely know that tube pieces are a usual no-no. That's the sort of thing I could only learn from here, as I learned that shield doors typically suck from the ForgeHub community as well. Thanks again, I appreciate it.