Paranoid Park This is a overall view of Paranoid Park. Paranoid Park started off as an example to my friend Seraph Himself on how to use forge next thing you know I had a nice ramp going and he had a cool looking maze tower thingy, We put ideas together we wanted to forge a map that would allow you to take a step back from the killing and enjoy your self in I guess a some what of a puzzle/race map, don't get me wrong I thought about the guys that like to kill so I added buildings planes hidden weapons in hidden rooms, please try it out and comment, and if you like add me and invite or join me at anytime. Many have tried only to find death, will you be the one? Hard to get to, take your best shot. This is where most of the action has taking place. A view of both buildings. Trying to make this jump. The ghost is a little harder to get across with, not for numbs. This is me Wolfpack, why you ask because I like this pic Please please play it, love it, share it, comment, and most importantly have fun. P.S Im having trouble it seems no matter what I do I can't stop it from responding people in the middle stage just go to the kill ball, it only happens in the start of a match, please comment with a solution. and also try out my other map Survival. Your friend and forger Lennard V aka wolfpacklv. special thanks to Seraph Himself for helping me create this map, I love the tower maze.
I don't understand the concept of this map. Is it a puzzle map or a infection game? can you at least give a decent description because i cant tell at all what this is. I may consider checking it out if you actually write words on your thread.
Ouch! I'm sorry for you that you teach others forging, but forget the most important aspect of a skybubble map, to spawn in the sky! And it would also be nice if you more clearly specified which gametypes go with this or if it's just sort of a mess-around map.
its clearly a maze because umm,she put maze in the desc?looks awesome btw,im gunna get it for the upcomming custum day for today its mazes and races,gunna be fun