Okay, it seems some people have no knowlage of ad removal so here it goes. STEP 1 -Download Firefox, IE is ****.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FIREFOX STEP 2 - Download AdBlock Plus.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ADBLOCK PLUS AdBlock Plus is free and is extremely useful. I have not had a single ad on ForgeHub, signed in or not. & No, AdBlock Plus is not available for IE. Here is an article explaining why IE is ****, CLICK HERE. & Here is a small fix for IE, but Ad lists will change and eventually will make their way past the filter and because the article is old and does not get updated, it won't last. STEP 3 - Play around with AdBlock Plus for a while, clear all your private data incase an ad is stored in your cache and such. STEP 4 - ??? STEP 5 - PROFIT! Simples!
I've been doing this for a while, now others can do it too. Nice of you to share this with the community.
Ok. I thought I had heard somewhere that the staff have never had to rely on advertisements to pay for the site. But they are, after all, a source of revenue.
Chuck told me about this the second ads popped up on the site, this thread is nothing new at all to me, and I could of sworn somebody already made a post informing the site about this, but I couldn't find that post.....
I've been a Firefox user for almost a year now, Ad blocker was one of my first add-ons I ever downloaded for it...Very useful...
Didn't even know there were ads. I've almost forgotten there are ads because of this addon. To those who are taking advantage because of this tread, welcome to the world of no ads!
Glad to see some people are taking it up and some people already have it. If your too stubborn to see this as a good reason to turn to Firefox then your a.. a.. Fan Boy!
Or you can go download Google Chrome. It can get an extension that does the same thing (same name i think!). I think it might even block ads right off the get-go.
It's a pity google chrome sucks and tracks your browsing habits to target you directly with specific ads Yeah, lot a fiasco at the moment, I wasn't getting them, well I was on my phone, so I decided to make this tut.
How does Google Chrome suck? And I don't see how the ad-tracking makes a difference if: 1. You can get extensions that block ads (which is what I do) 2. I ignore ads anyway. In any case, I've never seen ads that are relevant to my browsing habits.
Your alone my friend -.- It's not the fact that theres ads, it's the fact they store masses of data about every single person who uses google and google chrome and anything google, including youtube.