I've been working on a nice Big Team Battle map on the middle tier of Sandbox for about a week now. Its going to be a symmetrical 12-16 player map. The way its turning out, it looks like it can support objective based games pretty well, and even the KoTH game variant, Mosh Pit. I think its coming along quite nicely, and I thought I'd share a few pics with you. Here are some of the new overhead shots: I actually have a lot more completed that the pictures reveal, I tried to keep as much of the map hidden as possible. I have both bases done and the central vehicle hallway completed. I'm guessing the map will be completed in about a week and ready for release the week after that after testing and editing. The one thing I'm not sure on yet is the name. I would love it if you guys would throw suggestions my way. Hopefully the pictures can give you some ideas for names.
Looks good from what I can see, and speaking of what I can see, I wish you would upload more of an overview shot.
Yah i would really love to see what this looks like from above. Looks good so far and i like btb maps on sandbx
Those pics you have shown us look good. From what I can see it has multiple levels which could make it a very interesting map. If you need some testers I'll be happy to test (weekends only though). Name: Area 7 (or if you dislike plagiarism Area 9)
The new overviews look nice. A little open, but simple and nice. The spawns look well done, and the BR battles could be epic, an open map like these creates some nice LOS. The center also looks creative.
Wow looks great ! If you still need a Name or idea for the rest of the map , just send me it and i will make something on it !
Recon No Affence, But Last Time you did that you stole the map. I would suggest you find the core fun of the map. I got tons: "Forbidden Dunes", "Landscape", "Lost Ruins", "Paradock", "Sandy Grounds", "Desert Dunes". Pick anyone of them. There are good. Nice map!
EEEUUUUhhhh ?..... Witch map ? Cauz if the info come from Joe Is Outside its not real cauz he is a Layer !
Hey man, I like the looks of this a lot. I wouldn't worry about a name yet but send me a message: Vincent Torre, and I'll help you turn this map into something special!
Did you block the guardians? If so, that might cause some, um, issues. Hiding, camping, among other unfun things. Just kidding, I skimmed to quickly over the screenshots. Heh. Nice layout and aesthetics on this one. Looks like a stellar work in progress. I'd like to play on it when it's done. I'm a bit uncertain as to why you placed the choppers on raised platforms, but that might just be my personal preference kicking in.
The map won't be as open as it looks right now. Remember, its still a work in progress. Also, to Panncakez, the choppers work fine on the raised platforms, and they drive off the platforms nicely. I'll try to send you an invite when I start testing, which should be in about under a week.
Vehicle maps need ramps and jumps. Driving a warthog on what you have now would be boring. That said your map looks quite good.