Asset: The Big1 Updated on March 6, 2010 I have basically finished up the forging on this map now and i only need to proceed through the stages of testingm ive added two large ramps the covenant spawn the human spawn (which is across the mapp from the hold out zone) and sparse cover in between but heres a bit of a teaser: Overview Covie spawn(underneath banshee inside tubes) and holdout base Humans spawn in back of this area I'm leaving this picture in because its a good visual aid for the base...2 entrances by man cannon and 2 ramps (well 1 ramp and the dune makes a 2nd ramp underneath the wooden part of that bridgey thing between the hornet spawn and the curvaceous building)
"Forbidden Unit" I dont Know. Looks really cool though. Very nice. Reminds me of a map in Halo 2 a little bit. Nice Job!
I like how you made it so you could mancannon up to the area instead of always walking....and the aesthetics are great. So great job all around
Lookin' good thus far, but since the "Holdout" style of gameplay is getting a bit stale, you'll want to put something into this map that'll spice it up. As for names, "Consolation" sounds like a good one, IMO.
Restriction , i think that sounds cool , but i cant wait to see what you call it and of course to play it
Are you using the OLN objects for this? Because weapons/equipments for the covenant spawn never cost too much; I usually only have to spend 2 to 3 hundred dollars on them. The map is looking great right now, I like what you did with the mancannons. Can cov. vehicles use them too?
Thanks for the possitive feedback @Panncakez right now the only thoughts ive had toward spicing up the gameplay is perhaps adding in a second base where the ODST would first spawn amd then have to work their way toward the big base (sort of a hybrid between holdout and the-one-where-you-move-from-place-to-place-to-reach-an-objectives-whos-name-i-cant-recall) @Rifle Gifle undortunately im not using the OLN objects (because im a stupid head who deleted them all before hand) so im not quite sure how much of my budget it will take up As for the covenant vehicles part ive only tested wraiths on them and they obviously do not work... all though if i can i might try to incorporate the man cannons so they are accessible to choppers as well as players
I'd recommend you take the roof of the hornet spawn and make it a 5 or 6 minute spawn. For the name "RidgeSide" would be cool.
I really like the looks of this. Its un-like any forgings Ive seen lately. To be honest Im sick to death of all the roughness in maps and they need more smooth "new" features. Your map has the good qualities. The only thing I am upset about is that Asset has basically die-ed out. I love playing it though as long as gameplay is kept fresh. This looks like the funnest one yet, but we'll have to see. I still need a new xbox...