So, what will you do? Will you: A. Start up Campaign to get yourself acquainted with the new controls, weapons, etc? B. Try to find yourself a Matchmaking game? C. Boot up Custom Games to see what new gametype features there are, or what new gametypes there might be? D. Start up Forge to, well, Forge? E. Find the "Appearances" menu to see what armor/colors/things are available for your character? Oh, and if there are any other things that you guys feel that's crucial for me to add to the poll, let me know.
Multiplayer, because of the beta but when the game comes out campaign because i want to see all the features
I think that I will do whatever seems the most appealing. I find it unnecessary to plan out the things that I am going to do months before the game is released... But I would probably edit my character first and then start campaign.
If only to follow my unpurposeful half-tradition, I'll be loading up Forge first to see what's in it. I've done that for Halo 3, all map packs, and ODST.
I'd start up campaign before anything else. Before I even start the multiplayer, I'm gonna finish the campaign.
I'll check out all Forge has to offer. It's definitely going to be one of the most anticipated features of Reach, atleast for all of us. Next, I'll check out all of the maps in Forge. I'll look at all of them and get to know them a bit. Then I'll check out the Matchmaking. I'll play that for probably most of the time I'm on at first. Once I've seen most of matchmaking and multiplayer, I'll move on to campaign when I have some spare time.
Eh, forge first. Then maybe load up some solo legendary campaign. I always enjoy doing campaign by myself first on the hardest difficulty so I can get the most out of it.
1. Wait a few minutes at main screen to see what happens 2. Look at all the screens (especially Forge) 3. Start up campaign, play a few levels 5. ???? 6. Profit Playing on the hardest difficulty setting does not give you the most out of it, it gives you many deaths which causes you to, out of frustration, turn off the game. Plus, with the hardest difficulty setting, you are always at the back trying to pick off enemies and not up front, having fun. Normal's the way to go.
At this point in the Halo series, I think starting on Heroic or Legendary is reasonable for most of us. I started ODST on Heroic, and actually found it kinda easy. Most games though, I'd agree with you. Normal is most likely the one the creators were focusing on when tuning their game, and a lot of games will crank up health/numbers/damage rather than change the AI's routines on other difficulties.
Beat the game on normal to get the story. Take a look at forge possibly. Go back and beat it on legendary to get the rest out of the campaign depending on how hard I think it is. I won't play multiplayer until I beat the game on legendary unless its as hard or harder then halo 2. That may take a bit.
as always, campaign. I always feel the need to kill some covanant and get used to the mechanical upgrades. then off to forge, for obvious reasons. also, you should add "stare in awe" to the poll.
go check out the new maps, look at features, pwn lvl 1's in matchmaking to make me feel mlg pro, watch legendary cutscene on yt because i like spoilers.
Will do. Just so this isn't totally spam, I would most likely boot up Campaign on one of the higher difficulties, like Heroic or Legendary, just to get used to the game. I hear that Bungie is mixing up the control layout a bit, too. EDIT: Erm, how do I edit the poll?
Campaign first, for sure. Probably on normal or heroic, then play multiplayer/legendary. Whenever I get tired of legendary, off to multiplayer. Then attempt Solo Legendary All Skulls On (assuming there is still skulls :O Then give up SLASO. Edit: BTW I don't think you can edit polls.
What I do with every first person shooter is start up campaign on a medium difficulty (heroic on Reach) so that it is not hard as hell but still requires skill to complete. The only time I would ever start on a lesser difficulty is if its quite different in style (Gears of War 2 and Bioshock I started on normal diffilculty because they are two very different games to the norm). After that I'd probably check out forge for a bit and then straight to multiplayer. Over time I'll finish it on Legendary.
I'd ****ing jizz all over the disk and my xbox and TV from all the excitement. but srsly id liek play campain coz i want recon lawl
I will lock myself in my room for about a week and fly around in forge on every map, delete all the shitty weapons on it, replace them with dmrs and snipers and go play some customs
Check out the new armor, go into forge and look at the weapons, then either go into Campaign or Matchmaking.
Umm, ignore campaign. Look at forge, look at new maps with all new weapons and vehicles etc. Then go into Matchmaking.