Hexaplex 2-10 FFA and Team Slayer (No flag or bomb supported... I know, no amazing bomb) This is a little somethin' somethin' I've spent the last week on. I'm finished ,structurally, but right now its only set up for 10 player max FFA. (I was shooting for 12). I think I should submit it for ATLAS. What do you think?.. and yes it is in budget. Left Red/Blue Elbow Right Blue plat drop down/Blue right elbow/Snipes/ Right Carbine/ right red BR Right BR RED elbow/ Brute grass/ teli-receiver Bottom basement / blue rock/ invis/ teli-sender Another angle of left Another angle of blue rock 2nd Top mid/ gold ramp/ grav 1 Left red1/2 Another angle of blue plat/ drop down/ grav-2 another angle of red right BR elbow/ Overshield Below Below Another angle of Right Carbine Elbow Blue Another angle of basement Snipe spawn Thank You for your time! Update: Hexaplex day officially is way better than this version will post large pics later.
it looks like you interlocked, well.. Everything. which looks great but it makes me wonder- does it lag?
Only if you have a terrible connection. It shouldn't make you lag(I've tested with up to 16 people). Though it does have a small bit of disco when you look at from far away in forge. The gameplay also flows nicely and is rarely hectic... Well with less than 10 players anyway. The biggest complaint I ever got was that there weren't enough borders, but that has long been fixed
Pretty neat map. The abstract design and multi level layout create for a good looking map. Would it be possible though to post larger pictures?
I think I'll post some hi-res ones tommorrow... I'm going through my map trimming out all of the unnessasary objects and then getting some sleep.
Wow looks really good can't wait until you release it I wanna play it now love the design Good interlocking and
yeah ive played this map maybe 5 or 6 times and i really like it. Though sometimes i feel like i am getting shot from everywhere at once, it still plays very nicely. Also the layout is phenomenal. I cant imagine you planned that layout from the beggining but non the less its a great map, and hopefully with ome touch-ups itll become even better
Wow man that looks like an epic upgrade of the map, new elbow, effects moved weapon placement i imagine. Hope i get an invite to test this one as well. Oh and did you put more koth spots? Lol mosh pit was fun but i want to dominate from on the top of the map as well.
This map is really solid, and very, very unique. Although I hope you added more king of the hill hills.
Looks very good man. I love the way the structures are rounded and not too boxy. It looks like you spent a lot of time with the design layout. I really like the look of some of the floors and overhead structures. It seems like it would be a really fun map for a party of players looking for a nice competitive play arena. I will be looking forward to DLing this map. If you need any more testers let me know.
From what I can make out it looks intriguing, not really seen this kind of organic looking skybox map before. I'm wondering how those man cannons work on a map like this, I would imagine they're too powerful for such a compact map but I'm only guessing. I would love to see more detailed shots of hexaplex which btw is a very suitable name.
Yup, but I can only have 3 :/... Object limit constaints. Maybe I should just make the map incompatable with KOTH to save objects?
this map is great man,just if only u can make other ways down like as many as u have going up u know because people were having a hard time going down even thought u did have ways but they are no really noticable or i catching to say hay come here this way is down,i know i worded that weird but u get my point i hope
Maybe two versions? You had to have used OLN, where'd the other two hills go? Theres 5 on default sandbox.
I do remember playing on this map. It was a little confusing where to go due to the differences in height at each level, and so many levels... Still, it has some great gameplay for FFA. It's a very hectic map.
I remember the drawing you showed me that was used as an inspiration for this map. Well, it certainly fits. The layout is so crazy and insane, it fits the image perfectly. I loved playing on this map SO much.