Ok..., this is not a map posting so please don't blast me for not posting images. I don't really have any to post. This is simply a demonstration of an idea I've been toying with. The idea is simple: You fall into hole A and are forced out of hole B. Fall into hole B and you're forced out of hole A. I named my file Gopher Holes. Again, it's not a map that I'm posting for anything other than simple demonstration. It is rough but gets the point across. I'm just trying to add something new to the community. Nothing less. Nothing more. Let me know what you guys think. You can find the download in Slot 9 of my fileshare.
Imagine a floor with two holes in it. When you fall into one hole, you come out the other. This is simple enough. The tricky part is in making it so that it works both ways. Fall into hole A and you'll come out hole B. Fall into hole B and you'll come out of hole A. The way it works is that you have two holes. At the bottom of each hole is a teleporter. Near the top of each hole is a connecting tube containing a separate set of teleporters. When you emerge from one of these teleporters, you're propelled forward by a combination grav lift, man-cannon. The force is strong enough so that you're forced into the primary shaft and redirected straight up and out of the hole. It's easiest though if you simply download the file and see for yourself. I can imagine a plethora of ways in which this idea could be used and I'm sure there are many others that I haven't even thought of.
How are you creating these "holes"? It sounds interesting however you have not really told us how you are going to go about doing this. -Donuts
Soggy, as I said... it's already been created. It's in my fileshare. Look for Gopher Holes. This is an honest-to-God attempt at adding a new idea to the community. The hole is simply a hole. A square hole that you can fall into. Like I said, the demonstration (Gopher Holes) is not a completed or polished map. It's simply a demonstration. My Fileshare
Yeah this is old, there are maps with all the teleporters set facing upwards so you spend the whole match "trampolining". Don't be discouraged though what youre describing sounds like a pretty cool concept I don't see how it is a switch though
I have done this before... I used it for a Whack A Mole map of mine... it forced the moles to come out of the holes at random, so that there were no honor rules... so, this has been done. Sorry that my ingenuity is awesome. Lol... just kidding. And here is the map I made using the concept (FULL MAP): HERE... The gameplay didn't really work, but I never got around to testing it. I am trying to get around to a version 2, but it might not happen. But, it is exactly what you are talking about. And, I released it on January 31, 2008. I had the concept of this flying around in my brain for a while... not trying to say you stole it or anything, I just thought that my map (sorry for the blatant promotion, no harm meant) was a good example of how you would use this.
Eh... well I guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board. I tried it with just two way teleporters and it didn't work. I ended up on a loop going from one teleporter to another non-stop. That's why I had to come up with this design... which I had hoped was new.
Wouldn't this be the same thing as just having a sender on each side (different channels) and a receiver on each side (one set to the opposite sender and the other set to the opposite sender also). If you don't like that way, it would probably be fairly easy to do it where you drop down into a man cannon and are shot up on the other side, and vise versa. I might try to have something similar in my next map.
I am confused... mine is two- way teleporters. Of course, mine has multiple holes (8.) I think that for two-ways to work, you have to be pushed in to one via gravity lift. That is how mine works (sort of...) Hope it works out in the end... my map might help design-wise, so you can see how I set it up... good luck.
That was my original idea... have a sender halfway down the hole with a mancannon and a receiver at the bottom. Problem is that when you come out the other side, the mancannon forces you up and into the sender on that side... thus you end up in a continuous loop. The only way I could get this to work was to have a side shute with a receiver-mancannon-grav life combo that redirected you into the hole. I would love to see an easier solution because, as far as I've been able to tell, it isn't as easy as it seems.
Thus, put the sender below the receiver... but Two-way teleporters work, if there is more than one hole. Seriously, look at my map. It is a perfect example. I don't even want to advertise it to anyone (it sucks, anyway. Lol), but it is a perfect proof of concept. And if my design doesn't work for your map, would this work? EDIT!!!: Just look to my post below. Ugh... I accidentally deleted what I had just typed. Lol... crap. Anyway: Squirrel goes down Passes over Receiver node Hits Mancannon (>>>>) Hits Sender (:[][]:) Teleported to opposite receiver That receiver is facing up, and the cannon's momentum is carried upwards in the receiver. Problem solved. That system is perfect. And I already linked it, but give me a second...
Hence the reason I asked for a link to your fileshare. *Nevermind... I already downloaded it.* Here is the "loop" that I was talking about. You can see in this drawing that you can't have both receiver and sender in the same hole without going into a loop. The same thing happened to me with a two-way node. I'd like to look at your fileshare and see how you did it.
And here is the map I made using the concept (FULL MAP): HERE... I already did, the first time I mentioned it... but I have a solid design that I know would work. 1 moment... EDIT: Yes, you actually can: Seriously, look! Here's how: Squirrel goes down Passes over Receiver node Hits Mancannon (>>>>) Hits Sender (:[][]:) Teleported to opposite receiver That receiver is facing up, and the cannon's momentum is carried upwards in the receiver. Granted, the receivers must be on oppisite sides, but I didn't show that in the animation... Problem solved. That system is perfect. Do you understand that? Send me a friend request (my name is my GT) and I will try to get on tonight. I can forge that/ show you how.
hmmmm, this sounds interesting. I love switches, doors, and other devices made in forge! I've also been toying with ideas in forge and I've been trying to create mechanical devices but most of them have already been used. this whole "whack-a-mole" idea sounds interesting but how is it supposed to be fun for the moles, like the ducks in the duck hunt map.
Well, that was one of my main problems... but it is all interesting. I am planning out a Version 2, but I would need some major changes. But, on topic: Sorry I couldn't get on. I will be on by Saturday. I am very busy... :[