Just wondering if there is anyone who wants to help with a super secret p4wn sawce project that I am working on. Requirements (in order of preference): - Good connection - Excellent at geomerging straight and aligned objects - Is patient as a lot of trial and error will be involved - Knows the default sandbox map very well Just reply to this thread with your GT if you want to join. Also note that I will only be available on xbox for extended periods on the weekend (except this coming weekend). During the week I have school and focus a lot on homework which leaves me little time for xbox. Also I live in Australia. Im online on weekends from 9/10 onwards EST.
I could help, just add me and we can go from there, i can ghost mearge pretty well. I know I said i didnt have the time but seems I arnt making it my self i think i have the time
I could give it a go also, gt: pinohkio. Umm I can be on nearly all weekend so that would be the best time.