Just watched the vidoc and I quote "We knew in the beginning what the end would be". AKA, they new since Halo 1 what they wanted to finish with and that Reach, IS IT! Discuss.
No, actually "from the begininng, you know the end" simply means that from the start of the game, you know that Reach will fall in the end and that most of the characters would die. Bungie didn't even know they were going to make a Halo 2 when they started making Halo CE. They planned Halo 2 to be the last Halo game once they started it, but couldn't fit it all into one game. So they made Halo 3, and then they decided to make Reach.
Reach might be the last Halo game Bungie makes, but I'm willing to bet that 343 Studios over at Microsoft is ready to make more spinoffs and offshoots of the Halo franchise.
This can't be the last halo game, Bungie hasn't made enough money on it yet. We still didn't get the Halo chess game yet.
Is that why in the end you see Master Chief onboard the Forerunner Dreadnought saying "Finishing this Fight" (in response to Lord Hood) and why in Halo 3 for some reason he had to escape the dreadnought?
We all know that even once they're done with reach they'll come out with more addons... like Halo: Reach 2 Custom Edition... or much like what they did with ODST. Bungie will never die out... ^.^
they'll die out eventually but as stated not enough money was made from it yet. also the legendary ending on Halo 3 was kinda a cliffhanger
Ur not gonna get much more epic than reach, so Im gonna say that Reach is going to be the last game Bungie makes in the Halo series.
unfortunately 343 Industries is going to take over. If their games are like their Anime, then I'm done with Halo... Bungie will be off doing new things. Imagine a new game based off of Marathon or something?
Bungie hasn't made anything but halo since Oni. I could see a halo game called Halo 4:Runner. Sometimes bungie tells little white lies.
Bungie has hinted at a remake of thier marathon games, as well as a new super secret project being created in the 'lair'
Yea Bungie stated after Reach they are done with Halo. But they also have a team working on a non-Halo game.
Im tired of halo, to me, its getting to be a little to repetitive, I've already lost interest in it now. I like the Halo RTS, it was a new twist to the Halo universe. They should try to make a Halo game with more of a Rainbow six Vegas feel to it, but still have the sci-fi elements that make it a Halo game. Bungie said they aren't developing anymore Halo games, but instead, 343 industries will be. 343 industries doesn't make the Animes. Japanese companies do. 343 industries is just within a partnership with them, to help reference some material for the episodes. Plus, why would they develop a game like the animes? Halo needs a new spin anyway, if developers expect to keep it alive...
IMHO I think there will be two more halo games after reach that are like Halo 1-3 where you follow one character's fight. Maybe playing as covenant? Then bungie will either finish completely or go on to a different franchise. You know why? Seven Games of Halo.
I hope to god that this is the last Halo game. I thought ODST was going to be the last but when it's release was followed shortly by mediocre gameplay and the almost immediate announce of another Halo game, I knew there would be another... obviously. My greatest fear is that they will exhaust this franchise to the point of where it loses all of its credibility. I know it was a different developer, but Halo Wars is an example of this beginning to happen. Eventually, when Halo 7 and Halo Kart come out, people aren't going to dish out $60 (or god knows how much by then) to play something when there's no new tale to tell. If Bungie wants Halo to survive beyond rising to the rank of classicism, they need to focus on episodic DLC and multiplayer DLC. Personally, I think It's time for Bungie to cut the umbilical to Halo and expand into their world liberated from microsoft.
One Halo Game to still be made is Halo Forerunner, either about the events past Halo 3 or about the Spartans still left in a Forerunner complex, perhaps combining the two? Another thing, HALO ISN'T OVER UNTIL MASTER CHIEF AND THE ARBITER ARE PLAYABLE CHARACTERS IN SUPER SMASH BROS!!!