I want to start another "Fronk" map, where the image is only visible from one spot. But I have a dilemma I have no Idea what to do?! This is where you get to choose what I make next! Just make sure its generally do-able and well-known to everybody. Something with an outline is preffered, but I just want ANY suggestions, really.
Haha Pedobear would be hilarious and it would be cool to use the blocks on Sandbox instead of Avalanche. I wish you good luck to whatever you choose to make. Fronk was mind-blowing.
Nah I think you should do Catface cause Catface rules here's a pic http://www.e4.com/images/mb/E4/blogs/dailysnack/catface.jpg
ok so i thought up some things really quick cuz i gtg and this is what i got for ya, Man Bear Pig AKA Al Gore from south park lol Of coarse kenny from south park Also Peter Griffin And lastly for no reason at all the Dough Boy =] Ill post some more later but i gtg for now o and of coarse like ever1else i to love Scobras idea
I like Behemoth, as well. It fits with your theme of cartoon characters from a map, and since it's light brown, you could use the objects on Sandbox.
The only problem being that it has a white border... If someone can make a good cell shaded monitor, I would be willing to make it.