A new exclusive look at Fable 3 has been released and its definitely worth looking at. Earlier I was very skeptical on whether a 3rd game was gonna be fun, but this video really gets rid of any doubts I had. Check it out. YouTube- Fable 3 - Inside LionHead Episode 1 : First showing
Yeah, this new installment of fable is going to rock. Im glad they took a new approach of interacting with npcs. The emotes seemed a little silly...
Yeah, the expressions were very off. Obviously there was a lot of English humour with them, but they really didn't fit too well. I'm really liking how you can like burst wings like a badass.
Wow. I am, very impressed with this game now. I also had many doubts about Fable III, but this looks amazing. Although, I'm a little disappointed. They stole the wings Idea from Aion (Least in my book) but in Aion you can fly with them so idk, go with me or hate me idc. Game looks fun, can't wait for it to come out.
Yeah I like the whole idea how your sword changes with the your character and the things you kill. Lol, if you kill lots of innocent people you sword would indefinitely drip with blood, awesome... Im more excited at the fact that you are sort of playing 2 stories. The first starting you out as a normal citizen who wants to overthrow the king, then after you defeat the king, the next story begins with you as king...
Newest MMO, made by the creators of Guild Wars, City of Heroes/Villians, etc. I've never been a Fable person. Fable II's horrid graphics turned me away from it, it looked like it belonged on the old Xbox. This one looks far better, and the combat system looks very good. I can't wait for release to check out more.
why are they driving on the left side of the road? Edit: nvmnd that, theyre british, i just remembered that. I like thwings and yeah it does seem like a rip from aion but i dont care, theyre awesome anyways. not so sure if ill buy or rent though, itll definitely be one of the two though.
The Fable three preview did not impress me much. Although I did enjoy the first two fable games, I most likely will not be buying this sequel, because the games often do not challenge me.