This is my newest project... This is somewhat a view of the centre of the map. The map itself still needs roofing, and walls making higher, and other general forging. What do you think? NEW PICTURE
Well the map itself is "finished"... I'd like to do ALOT more to it, but Bungie's god damn Object Limit has once again Thwarted my ideas It's set for KOTH, CTF, Slayer, Oddball and Assault.. I need people to test it out. Had a 2v2 game of One flag earlier and that was really good, and a 4 player FFA worked well too. COME NOW PEOPLE!
From the looks of the limited pictures....uh nice. Good look to the map, and the "grass" looks nicely done some people fail on that. I cant wait to see more.
Thanks dude, yeah i didnt put many pictures on because the looks arent really great cause i ran out of objects But the gameplay is good, so thats what matters most
dang it steve, your maps always blow my mind..! Your forging skills are above par and your map designs are top notch every single time. This looks like its going to be another one of your master pieces.. its a shame about the bloody object limit, i always have the same problem :/
Thanks Cam, i've been thinking about re-adjusting the map layout of this to make it a little more fair though. Its still far from a master piece, but it may end up as one