Halo Reach ViDoc 1

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rifte, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    By the attack on Harvest they were already above Kig-yar, so I'm right in context.
  2. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Yeah, Brutes had been part of the Covenant for ages before contact with humanity.

    I thought the Reach AR was a regular AR but with the upper case removed.
    *quickly checks screenshots*
    Yeah, it looks like this AR has just had some of the fancy casing stripped off.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I had an orgasm when i finally saw my new shotty.
  4. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I really hate how the new AR looks, but that shotty looks so cool. It looks like the H3 shotgun combined with a SPAS. Overall the graphics look they'll be really good when it's done.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah in contact harvest Brutes had their own ships (although severely downgraded) They maybe weren't right below Elites in the Covenant but they were defiantly depolyed in battle, by the fall of reach at least. Also just to further the point the armor they are making doesn't seem to be something a laborer would wear, it looks like battle armor to me.

    Also on the note of the AR, the game is pre halo so to speak. The weapons are supposed to look downgraded but have a new feel. Essentially speaking the AR here sucks compared to the AR of halo 3, but the enemies also have down graded stuff so it functions the same.
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Everything I could of asked for in a Vidoc. Bungie always knows what to deliver, and I'm no longer worried about this game. I can tell Bungie is hearing each side of the story, and incorporating alot. Game looks fantastic.

    Also, BETA IN MAY!!! Can't wait for that.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Just watched the video doc and it was epic. May 3rd is too long till the beta, so how hell are we gonna wait till September for the full game!!!
  8. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I just jizzed on my keyboard.

    Holy ****, I want to play Halo 3 now, just because of this, **** MW2, lol.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    -will show the more human side to spartans
    -There is 600 ammo for the AR. So now we have a crap load of ammo in the campaign just like Halo CE. 32 shots are in an AR magazine
    -Motion Tracker is oval.
    -Armor abilities most likely are put on top of the motion tracker
    -Health returns
    -ability to climb over rocks instead of walking and jumping as well as sliding down a hillside.
    -the sniper seems huge and takes up like half of the screen
    -The faces of characters actually look amazing which wasn't the case for Halo 3
    -They redid the halo engine to include more open world areas, more AI on the screen (like 40ish), and more in depth characters
    -one of the armor perks is a sprint ability
    -at 2:58, I think they are testing different jump heights, possibly for the ability to customize gravity in custom games
    -needler rifle is roughly the same size as the beam rifle and they are used by skirmishers
    -motion capture is used to make player movements more dynamic and more expressive
    -had plenty more polygons to play around with allowing for much improved graphics
    -spartans can be more customized
    -when shooting a wall, many particles interact, like dust, sparks, and rock chips
    -skyboxes are improved
    -many of the spaces they build in the campaign they want to be explorable
    -they are working on framework for brutes which scares me
    -larger battles
    -The DMR has 12 shots in a magazine and the pistol has 8.
    -You can have up to 4 of each grenade
    -There is a controller setting that allows you to "Press X to pick up needler"
    -The covenant will speak in their own language
    -the shotgun is a pump shotgun and the "Pump" animation seems most like Halo CE
    -when your shields empty, a warning label will appear inside of the bar
    -Grenades travel very fast
    -The pistol has a scope and sounds like the ODST pistol but looks like the halo CE pistol
    -DMR is single shot, medium to long range. It has reticule bloom in which it expands a bit when shooting
    -civilian vehicles are drivable
    -There is something like a grenade launcher. You shoot one shot and have to reload
    -Assassinations can happen by holding in the beatdown button by just tapping it will result in a normal assassination
    -The assassination animation goes pretty quickly
    -There was a sword, plasma rifle, needler, and a wraith

    Theres all the things I got from it. Theres other but I thought they were really obvious to point out
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    thats likely cinematic, not like an action you can perform.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I was more of thinking about the Gameinformer article that said that instead of spinning in circles when you look around, you pivot your feet so maybe if you walk up to a rock, it will climb over it as you walk up it? I don't know, but you are probably right. However my thought would be pretty cool.
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Those are elites, jumping on top of different heights, to show their ability to navigate any terrain.
  13. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    (4 of each grenade, so you can hold 8 total)...

    This game takes place literally months before the end of h3, so any changes in the looks of any weapons is purely aesthetic to make this game look bad ass!

    -(It is mentioned here that ammo load out sizes aren't final)...

    (It also is semi-auto so it shoots as fast as you pull the trigger [6:04]. This is also mentioned in the Game Informer podcast)...

    (Where does it show this? It could just result in just melee damage/no assassination)...

    I took screen shots of all the "post-it note sections". Here is what I got from these...

    The more interesting post-its are noted...
    -1st mission vs. convoy
    -elite can get away or not (Possible AI choices??)
    -Limited non-linear "patrol ??" (You decide on your route?)
    -New character!

    -Marines hold perimeter "Rebels don't do this..."
    -1st Vehicle (new) / WOW
    -Up the proverbial tributary w/ any viable means of propulsion. (More vehicles in campaign??)

    -Mortar ??? / WOW
    -Jackal Phalanx (w/ formation) / WOW!!!
    -Human Grenade Launcher / WOW
    -Plasma carbine
    -Ammo crate
    (Please translate more!! I cant read it all)

    -Sniper Rifle
    -SPG ?
    -Humans are still loosing big...

    -Send feedback to ONI
    -Lost calico cat a tribute to Jonesy (Easter Egg??)
    -Fight from falcon

    -Jetpack elite
    -My "AI" Figured out something?
    -Get the hell out of the city!!
    -Elite reseal "metro doors"
    -Brute Captain
    -(Elite Pike?) Gravity Hammer

    -Where is the human fleet? Dropping like meteors from the sky!
    -Active cammo / ability
    -Do you know about ship?

    (Just a close up of image 3)

    (just a close up of image 7)

    -Explore, approach, hold the base
    -Mission, assault, "oh crap- they gots a big spaceship!!"
    -Serious Covey presence-> Video -> CP Sequence
    -Nonlinear mission
    (Try to get some more info from these!!)
    #33 Short Bizzle, Feb 13, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    the quick assassination vs animated elongated assassination was implied by Curtis Creamer in the ViDoc, and has also been implied that we'll have both options for at least the beta a couple other times in the past few weeks
  15. Plink 117

    Plink 117 Ancient
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    I saw customizable spartans, a new rocket launcher, knifing, WAY cooler looking weapons, sprinting, better graphics and cooler vehicles. I'm guessing no forge though, right? There's always a catch.
  16. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Well that rocket launcher is actually a grenade launcher, the knifing is only for assassinations, and they havent said anything about there being no forge, but then again they havent said anything about there being forge.
  17. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wonder if they'll still have the bruteshot now that there's a grenade lawn chair. Maybe brutes will just use spikers and needle rifles now, they'll probably be pretty rare anyway. Also, Im thinking the rocket lawn chair has lock-on again, otherwise it would be similar to the grenade lawn chair.

    Also, in the GameInformer article it said that all of Halo 3s features (such as forge, theatre, and probably firefight) are in the game.
    #37 Psychoduck, Feb 13, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    True, but it has been confirmed you are playing as elites so maybe it can be for multiplayer as well.
  19. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When was it confirmed? I didn't hear about this.
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    the video interview with curtis creamer on IGN said Elites in MP

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