Star Wars Christmas Special, amirite? Ok, seriously, here are 10 of my favorites in particular order: Transformers (1986) The Dark Knight Tenacious D. and the Pick of Destiny Dodge Ball Shaun Of The Dead Step Brothers Sherlock Holmes Inglorious Bastards The Futurama Movies Star Wars (Ep.4-6)
In no particular order The Godfather (I and II) The Graduate (Tarantino Section ) Kill Bill Vol. I and II Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Inglourious Basterds Dances With Wolves The Great Gatsby The Fifth Element Dune (The Newer One) Braveheart And probably so many more, I love movies.
1. Big 2. Forrest Gump 3. Saving private ryan 4. Toy Story 5. Spirited Away 6. Howl's Moving Castle 7. Laputa: Castle in the sky 8. Princess Mononoke 9. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 10. Kiki's delivery service
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (o greatest of movies, nobody loves you like I do) Shaolin Soccer The Life Aquatic Waking Life Kill Bill Big Lebowski Clockwork Orange Watchmen Apocalypse Now Pan's Labyrinth MirrorMask The Matrix Fight Club Monty Python and the Holy Grail Wizards ...and most other movies by the same people (Gilliam, Chow, Anderson, Linklater, Tarrantino, the Coens, Kubrick, del Toro, etc.)
Ok lets go! Tarentino Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction Death Proof Planet Terror Inglorious Basterds Tim Burton Batman (1989) Mars Attacks Christopher Nolan Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Prestige Danny Boyle Sunshine 28 Days later Trainspotting Ridley Scott Black Hawk Down American Gangster Body of Lies Gladiator Kingdom of Heaven Robin Hood (soon to be) Alien Tony Scott Man On Fire Domino Hostage Martin Scorsese Goodfellas The Departed Casino Gangs of New York Michael Mann The Insider HeatPublic Enemies Miami Vice Collateral Ali The Aviator Anonymous (cba to look) We Own The Night Blow There Will Be Blood The Road Ronin 30 days of night 28 weeks later Gangster no 1 Get Carter The Siege Shooter JCVD Die Hard Lethal Weapon 2 Rambo 4 War Kiss of the Dragon Yip Man The Matrix Apocolypse Now We Were Soldiers Enemy at the gate Saving Private Ryan Fight Club Lock, Stock and 2 smoking barrels Snatch Layer Cake RocknRolla Revolver Oceans 11 Troy, lol
Favs: Kingdom of Heaven Snatch Monte Carlo or Bust (in america its: Those Daring Young Men and their Jaunty Jalopies) Fight Club Oceans Eleven (yes, the Clooney one) Other more obvious ones: Batman Begins Dark Knight Prestige Alien Gladiator The Matrix Not so obvious: Total Recall Logans Run Deathrace 2000 (the original ... not the ****ing abominal excuse for a 'remake' in a predominently black prison. **** that) Battle Royale Shaolin Soccer Kung Fu Hustle Riki-Oh A Scanner Darkly cba to put more
Hot Rod Death race *all batman films except the ones with robyn* transporter 1&2 Role Models Hot Fuzz Shaun of the dead Demotliton man Iron man etc.....