Foundry MLG Eventide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Korlash, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    MLG Eventide- Download> Team / FFA
    Created by Korlash

    Supported Gametypes:
    FFA/Team slayer, and oddball only, 2-8p

    Map Description
    I am not good with big maps, but this is my attempt on a full-foundry map (besides the two back rooms). This map utilizes a bunch of different styled structures, which made me think this would be better for FFA, but who knows, it may be good for TS. I used ghostmerging for nearly the entire map, and i even allowed nades to bounce on both sets of stairs.

    For the weapon set we have:
    -Dropped Rockets (180/1) in the B side garage
    -Dropped Sniper (150/2) on a high "wall" platform by A-side
    -Dropped Mauler (120/1) at the bottom towards the wall separating both bases
    -Custom Power-up (180) in the little hallway from B-side to A-side
    -2 Carbines (90/2), 1 above mauler, and one at the high "bridge" platform on B-side
    -and several BR's (10/2) and nades

    and then everyone's most favorited and rare:

    Overview, main

    Overview, Back-A

    Overview, Back-B

    Overview, Towards A-garage

    Overview, Towards B-garage

    Again, the structures may not appeal to mlg designers cause i just improvise and forge as i go. Also i may have the "A" and "B" location mixed up according to default foundry, but i can usually never remember

    Well, anyway, hope you enjoy this

    Download MLG Eventide
    Download MLG Eventide FFA

    EDIT: I changed the DL links to the same map but from a file set, so i'd have space for a new map to be posted. Im just hoping the links/maps stay intact. Also, sorry if this map gets bumped up.
    #1 Korlash, Feb 12, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  2. Ak Tulio 907

    Ak Tulio 907 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool looks like a crazy map to play on! good merging and i bet the gameplay is awsome!
  3. bunniesz23

    bunniesz23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice. Aesthetics are good. I still today have only seen one MLG map that used any part of those back areas that was any good, so I respect you for going out on a limb for that one.

    Possible problems I can spot from the pictures are the two boxes at the base of the big column in back B don't look like they serve much of a purpose, and the carbine area/room on b side (towards the garage door) seems to be very powerful.

    Overall, the map looks like you put some serious time and thought into it and I encourage you to keep forging.

    PS: a lot of well known forgers use sketchup to design their maps and develop more thought out designs. So I would suggest trying that approach for your next map

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Anyways, decent enough MLG map. I'm not one for MLG, so I don't know enough about it to help with the map. Otherwise, looks pretty good.

    Oh, I just thought of something. Try adding a little cover on the higher walkways, even though they aren't needed as much as they are on the ground. It's those little things that make a big difference.
  5. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ah i cant, the budget is completely gone, so i'd have to revamp the entire map, or else i could just move something
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No no no no no no no. You do not need "cover" on higher walkways. Hopefully, the structures on the map provide structural LOS blocks. "Cover" is useless in most applications and does not do the job as well as a vertical column to block the LOS across the map.

    As for the map, it looks fairly well designed and very nicely forged. The thing that first caught my eye was the curvy walkway leading from the ground to the ramp.
    Hopefully I'll get a game or two on it and be able to give you some more feedback. It looks like it will play well for KOTH.
    EDIT: :(... it's not set up for KOTH.
  7. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought about adding KotH, but i wasn't sure where to put the hill marks. Maybe the rocket area, but where else?

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