looks to me as an sp/mp map. You run through the map in sp, but you play around the area for mp. Kinda like an Zanzibar with no beach.
single player, mulitplayer. That area under the walkways looks like a death zone. Anyway, Im still wondering what the hell it is? It looks like a mix between a power station and an office.
It looks great, but it's way too small from the looks of it. I'm hoping we get a look at the next couple Beta maps soon, either that or Forge in Reach. I wanna know what that's gonna be like. Powerhouse looks decent to forge on, but it's kinda like forging on High Ground...
that dam in the background looks like a good spot to snipe, and the artificial stream under the walkways look like a good place to flank.
Like i said Zanzibar (Last Resort) with no beach. I think this will be the spiritual predecessor of the map (that i personally love) it does have an interesting vibe. Like Ghost Town gone Last Resort.
I would not exactly say that it is a spiritual predecessor of Last Resort. Guardian is a spiritual predecessor of Lockout, they look quite similar in layout and the overall build of the map. Powerhouse doesnt look quite like Last Resort and do not look like they will share similar gameplay. Also to prove the point that is not a spiritual predecessor is that it was made for single player also and i doubt they made a map based off a multiplayer map from another game and then threw it into the campaign. That doesnt seem like bungie.
No when i said mp/sp i implied that the map is a single player map that is also converted for mp usage. In the halo 2 community ages ago we transformed many a sp map into an mp map and they worked amazingly well. I would hope bungie could do the same.
Can you stop saying predecessor? If your using it because Halo Reach is a prequel, then you're using it wrong half the time. But only the plot is a prequel, the game itself is being made after the Halo Trlogy, so any remakes or 'reimaginations' are still going to be successors, as they are based on maps from previous games. The fact that fictionally they are set a few years before doesn't make them 'predecessors'.
Well i meant that, would the map last resort work into campaign, possibly but i dont think bungie would make a map based off of a map from halo3(halo2) and also use it as a campaign map. Again i was only using that as a reason why i thought Powerhouse is not a reimagining of last resort. Sorry, but does it really make a difference i think most people get what is being said and in the end most people will know that we are talking about a map being remade or reimagined.
Yeah i get what you mean Duckman, oh and yeah does it really matter in the sense of the games creation its a predecessor of the earlier maps. (considering the first halo was when 2000) now following the fact that the game is prequel yes they are precursors of the maps we know but in reality they are predecessors of the halo maps we have come to love. If in fact any maps from halo, 2,3 will be remade "cough cough Coagulation cough cough" (that was just me hoping for a revamped return of the best open terrain map ever)
I think that, with the ability to sprint and having up to 60 AI in one controllable battle scene, Bungie has redesigned their engine to allow Coagulation, or a suitable likened map, to be added to Multiplayer. Here's hoping that there's an office building style map to forge on, elevator shafts and all. Sorta like Highrise, but multi-storied.
Also since it has been stated that the Falcon is in multiplayer, maps are probaly gonna be a lot bigger (and Coagulation is a rather big map) and so that it can support it. Unlike the Hornet which just firgotten due to it being overpowered. Hopefully the Falcon is a lot more balanced.
Yeah keep that in mind. It's supposed to be a flying warthog. Anyone else think they should bump the max players to 18 or 20?