SLANT v2 Download v2 ...or the original Download v1 Objective Map (1 flag/bomb and territories) 2-10 players Hey everybody. Well I made a map called "Slant" I guess about a week or so ago and this is version 2 with a bunch of changes! The first map only had 3 ways to get in and they all are forced into one choke point. When the attackers spawn they can either go up a flight of stairs and right in or around to the left. Once you made it around to the left you could take the stairs or go all the way under to the lift chute. It worked but it was missing something. People who played some games with me would sit and camp and it was becoming corny. So in this version I added a completely different way to get into the base. I really wasn't using the right side so I figured hey move things around and use it! Plus the more entrances in/out means the more fun! I added a staircase the blends to a ramp on the right. It has a bunch of ledges for fighting and even has a small cubbyhole with a shotgun in it. Once you get to the top it wraps around the back shortly and brings you out right next to the flag. Yes you can drive the goose up it but I added a trip mine on this version so watch out! Well get to weapon changes later. Lets get back to this map addition. Let me show some pictures of what I'm talking about... In the first map it looked like this. Ok and now it looks like this. Here is another shot but from the top this time. ...and the short back hallway I mentioned. (there is a cage top that isn't in this picture. I took a picture when I forgot it was on a 30 second delay. I did remember to remove the delay in the map tho!) Next major change was that I moved the flag spawn. It was up in this cage I had in the corner and people wouldn't have a shot with a couple well placed grenades. I moved it onto the small raised platform in the middle of the base. It makes things a little more fun when anyone can grab the flag. Here is a picture of the new set up. Other little changes... I added some cover in heavy traffic areas. It kind of changes the game but hopefully its for the better! Some examples are: The old flag spawn is now a great hiding spot. It gives you a good overview of the top level and the door from the back hallway is below you! ...And the lower level. It was way too open I felt in the first version. I added a few simple items for cover and it really helped. Slight weapon changes have been made also... - Added a shotgun on the new ramp/stairs on the right. - Moved the mauler under the flag. - Added a plasma gun to stop the mongoose if you choose. - Added another battle rifle by the attackers - Flare got moved to the back new hallway - Removed the bubble shield and replaced it with a trip mine (might not be a permanent change) - Needler got moved to next to chute up top - Defenders fire bomb grenade got moved to up at the old flag spawn - Carbine was moved to slanted top of base - Deployable cover was removed and replaced with mauler - Battle rifle was moved up on box - 2 magnums added on side ramp As always I'd like to hear good or bad comments! Thanks guys. -Duff
Is it something specific like the layout/spawns/weapons? ...or it just that you wanna see it cleaned up more? I'm still new to forge but I'm getting better. I was out of items/money so some things I really couldn't figure out how to fix everything perfectly. If thats the case I will try to polish it up this week if I get the time.
looks cool for 1 flag but i think its a little too small from the pics. I hope that isnt true it looks cool and ill definatly dL
this must have taken FOREVER to interlock everything, it looks delicious however and I can't wait to clear my Q and download it
Sure its a little smaller than most. ...But because its a smaller map it can make the games very fast paced! When I tested this with 5vs5 it was an epic game tho, so I guess its all about teamwork on here.
It looks nice but some interlocking could be fixed up. Some looks thrown together and not very aligned. I can has v3?
this is pretty good for a third posted map, though a bit more interlocking could be used to clean it up also, the name reminded me of the map "tilt"
looks good but id just top it off with a V3 where everything is perfectly merged into each other. If you need help message me.
it just makes things more fun! the race for rockets is usually pretty interesting with the goose on the level. I want some peeps to play some games on this version before we work on v3. If there is weapon/layout/timing/spawning issues I wanna hammer those out too. ...but I'll be sure to let you guys know when I wanna redo it for a 3rd version tho!
The second picture really pulls me away from downloading. Looks like you tryed to interlock fast and get your map up on the site, Im liking the layout though.
Overall, it looks like a great map but you could adjust a few boxes and make them a little less crooked
I know this map is sloppy. It was the first map I tried on forge (well i guess 2nd since its v2). I honestly don't have any loyalty to it... let it die! haha.