So little do people take time to appreciate the beauty of Halo 3's aesthetics and landscape. When I realised this, I thought I would attempt to capture Halo 3's most beautifully scenic environments. As I have no professional knowledge of scenic photography, these screenshots may not be as appealing to others. Accordingly, I have come here so you guys can comment and criticise on my efforts toward scenic photography of Halo 3 so I can possibly improve my photography skills. Enjoy and please CnC! Note: I am planning on capturing more scenic screenshots, and I have others besides these, but I will continue taking more when I have more knowledge about scenic photography.
FINALLY, someone else who likes taking shots of halo 3's nature. I really like these shots, especially the 4th one because I have no idea where it is. Great work 10/10.
^The 4th pic is in the campaign mission, "Cortana".^ I like the second and fifth pictures. But wait, didn't the fifth picture win one screenshot contest of FH a while back?
I personally love screenshots, the one with the water fall is really colorful and looks really good. The second one is also really nice with the light just peering through the trees. Also the last one you could enter in screenshot of the week since this week is vehicles. But i really like these screenshots; glad to see nature screenshots always!
Great, i'm not the only one that likes shots of landscapes! You did a great job of capturing the vista of Halo 3's Campaign, and I love the screenshot of the Masoleum Of The Arbiter. You've got DLs from me!
i like the picture from the fourth one... it's now my background lol ty.... anyways im not a big fan of the 3rd and 5th because they looked like bungie had a fail moment and didn't do a good job but the first and second are decen't i like them but not a big fan... great job at catching some good photos
Anytime I'm playing that mission and now looking at it here, the ruined Mausoleum always gives me an eerie feeling. nice job
There's really nothing new about these shots. It's all been done before. Next time I recommend you do a little research about the screenshot community and its history before you come here acting like (as I see it) a pioneer. And links to your Fileshare would be nice, too. I mean, it is in the Rules.