Sandbox 12 Nexus (Final)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by nartun penikka, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. nartun penikka

    nartun penikka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I´m really looking forward to see this one in action. It is combination of The Pit and Construct. I took best parts of those maps and forged them into one.

    There are three or four levels on this map, depending how calculated. The middle level plays like center of the pit. Long corridors and so on. Lower and higher levels are connected with ramps and a man cannon, like in the construct.

    Edit: after some thinking and reading comments, I did modifications. Filter is now away. Map does not look so epic anymore, but is more playable. Brute shots decreased to one. Sword deleted. Sniper rifles moved in other location. 2. Balancing: Maulers terminated. All weapons have less ammo and spawn times are longer. 3. New version. Some small, but significant changes. 4. Final version (I hope) out. One Sided CTF added (too many items to multiflag)

    Variant supports Slayer, One Flag, Oddball, Assault, VIP (one destination), Juggernaut (one destination), King of the Hill and Infection.

    Original map: sandbox
    Miscellaneous Map Descriptions:

    Weapons of war:
    6 x BRs
    2 x Shotguns
    2 x Sniper Rifles
    2 x Needlers
    Brute Shot
    Gravity Hammer
    Rocket Launcher
    2 x Regenerators
    Active Camo





    In the middle of the map, a pit-like corridor.
    At the ground level, red side. On the left entrance to man cannon and symmetrical blue side.
    Blue starting area.
    Man cannon

    12 Nexus (Final)
    or if you miss banshee download
    12 Nexus Heavy

    Older version is still in the fileshare. Weed version includes a ton of power weapon and a banshee.

    Comments, please!
    If one of you play this with your folks, I would be eager to watch replay.

    There is more pics in the file set.
    #1 nartun penikka, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty good. The only problems I see are that those filters make parts of the map really dark. Also having a hammer and sword on the map sounds wierd. The Banshee looks like it could cause problems. There's a place for banshees, and a medium sized otherwise vehicle-free slayer map isn't it. This looks pretty well forged and like it could have some interesting gameplay.
  3. nartun penikka

    nartun penikka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good points. Those colors/brightness look quite bad in pics, but in game they are not bad. Or maybe its my monitor that gives me an edge.
    Banshee.. you´re probably right. Must see how it plays out this weekend. Map offers some much cover.. And yes, I haven´t tested weapon balance either.
    #3 nartun penikka, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  4. nikko

    nikko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll try this out this weekend. Will play this with and without the banshe, and get back to you on that.
  5. nartun penikka

    nartun penikka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I appreciate :D
    I´ll be spending my weekend with friend at our holiday place, so I´ll be able to check this forum Sunday.
  6. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha, I thought the Banshee was just for aesthetics :p If it becomes unbalanced, scrap it. The map itself looks very nice and refined, in layout and aesthetics. Unfortunately, there's just simply too many power weapons for such a small map. IF it were down to me, I'd leave a shotgun, rocket launcher, needlers and PRs instead of maulers, as well as two brute shots instead of two shotguns and vice versa. But that's just me.
  7. nartun penikka

    nartun penikka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I must agree. All power weapons now have one clip, and respawn 180 secs. I count brute shot as power weapon in this case. I also limited other weapons respawns ja clips. Maulers are gone. I think that should do it.
    #7 nartun penikka, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  8. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    mabey in the down stairs part you could made out of small boxes and then leave some spaces open so that if people are fighting there will be a danger of falling to your death.
    u might also want to take out the hammer beause if u hit a wall or floor near the edge u will fall off.
    also take out the banshee, it doesnt fit in this map too me.
  9. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I think the filters, hammer, and sword could cause alot of problems. If you could take those out or the weapons this would be great for hide n seek or another fun game type.
  10. nartun penikka

    nartun penikka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is one of the reasons why I added Gravity Hammer :D
    Must see if its too powerful. This map challenges players to watch those edges.

    Final version is now downloadable. One Flag added, some little thing changed. Comments appreciated! Thank you folks for criticism.

    12 Nexus Heavy added :D

    Its not very serious map.

    Btw be sure to download the final version also. :D
    I think its much better than original.
    #10 nartun penikka, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010

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