ok, i have a proplem that i hope one of you can answer, i was playing halo and i thought hmm i have alot of gammer score, shouldent i have some security??? and i heard online that you need 700 gamer score on halo and i had 750 and i did not have it!! can some one help me?
True you need 750G for the shoulders, but sometimes it varies for no reason. Try getting a bit more G, say 800-850 - it should unlcok then, providing you don't get a weird glitch. 1000G for the helmet though. Chill, it'll come eventually.
This should be in the Halo Discussion forum section. A mod will move this as soon as it is seen. My cousin got the whole security armor when he had, if I am not mistaken, about 700G. Indeed, it is a weird glitch that happens to a lot of people. Like Hazza said, just be patient. On a side note, work on your spelling, dude.