You can answer 1 or 2 or both, doesn't matter. 1. Say, you are allowed to go back in time and witness one last thing before you die, what would it be? It can be anytime or anywhere. 2. What is something you've always wanted to do, but haven't got the chance yet, what would it be. There is no wrong answer, just the community sharing their thoughts. Here is my example answer: "I would at least like to go to one or many Buckethead concerts in my lifetime." Thoughts: Isn't it interesting to see other peoples answers to the questions above. Eventually, if there is a ton of answers, I will turn it into a list of the most popular!
1. I'd go back to participate in one of the ancient greek schools of thought. 2. I'd like to see whatever afterlife exists without dying.
But what if you find out there isn't one or it's just black (like in Torchwood)? I would want to go back in time and meet Douglas Adams. I also want to be a shape shifter, even if is only between two forms.
Yeah, Megan Fox or Keeley Hazell . But in all seriousness, I'd love to go back in time, and bully Hitler when he was a small child. And for No. 2... hmmm, Come up with a cure for the common cold.
Well..... I myslef kinda am a musician, but only local and stuff. We're trying to get our songs on Rock Band or Guitar Hero to boost our popularity. But I'd also go back in time to Sixth grade. Anyone have a time machine I can borrow? And.... I don't want to be an actor, I mean the music business can earn some roles in movies, right?
Wouldn't bullying Hitler as a child just make him enraged and depressed, and when he gets older he releases this anger whem he becomes the Fuhrer of Germany and gains power and just does what he's done before? The Holocaust? WWII? Bullying not a good idea IMO, it wouldn't solve much. There's only 2 main options to handle avoiding the Holocaust. Either as a child teach him right from wrong and tell him not to hate anybody and see if he understands why he can't kill jews, or if he still doesn't listen, kill him because he's a douche and will unfortunately kill over 15 million people.
lol, i agree with the last part, its better killing one soul than letting that one soul kill millions . . .
1. I would like to go back in time in witness the Meiji Restoration, first hand. 2. Make sweet sweet love to Rosie O'Donnell...
1) My death again in slow motion, and in a montage kind of remix with a dynamic camera. 2) It'll sound dull, but a Game Designer Programmer and/or Environment Designer.