I'm open to suggestions for a name on this one. It's a basic two-base setup in the skybubble. It has one large bridge as well as a smaller bridge underneath. I still need to add some cover in a few areas, I only have one base partly done, and I'm planning some type of simple structure in the middle on the bridge, possibly to house a rocket launcher. I'm just looking for some thoughts/suggestions on the overall design thus far. Thanks.
Hmm, looks quite interesting so far. Suggest more cover on the bridge. The map really does seem similar to narrows. Don't have any suggestions atm other than keep up the good work.
I hope you add more cover as well, also some other paths, the under-bridge will provide a nice alternative, but I feel as that won't be enough. Looking good though.
more cover is definitely part of the plan. I'm not sure about other paths though. I don't think I'll have enough budget.
Finish the bases first, then work on the cover. I actually recommend something like the cover on narrows; short blocks that offer small bits of LOS cover, but can be jumped-on to get a greater view. Man, this really seems similar to Disposition, haha. Not the layout, just the theme. Symmetrical 2-base map in the sky bubble. I guess everyone has their preferences. As for a name, I like Parabola for all the curved structures. By the way, with those structures on the outside have man-cannons or something of the sort? Teleporters might be nice.
Yeah the 2 walkway bridge is sweet but i think you might have to add man cannon launchers (i know it'l seem like narrows but thats not a bad thing) i really like the look very nice architecture .
I would suggest some ramps on the sides of the bridge that traverse from the top to the bottom. The biggest problem I have with some of the bridge maps is that once you pick a path, you can't change it. The ramps on narrows are a great example of expanded combat.
great suggestions, guys. I like the mancannon idea. And I like the name "Parabola" too. I'll consider that.
I agree. It would give the teams an incentive to stay back and defend, rather then send all their players to the enemy base, creating a stalemate in the middle.
WOW this looks sweet! I havent seen a map in the style of narrows and i LOVE narrows. Is their going to be access to the top of the bridge? You could add a little ramp in the middle with an area underneath. Name idea: Golden Gate
Name Idea: Narrows JK I think it looks pretty sweet soo far!! I like Rorak's suggestion with the man cannons. Maybe another option would be to have the man canon go across the middle (from t.he end of one curved walk way, over the middle, to the other curved walk way).