963.92 MB exactly and it's worth every minute of your time to download. If you don't have time, download when you go to bed.
lovin this pack. its great i sughgest u people dL its close to a gig though. gamer id throw up some examples
I've posted at least 100 wallpapers over the time in the post your desktop thread and besides there are wayyy toooo many great walls to example. Also, guys if you don't have dual monitors you can delete the dual monitor folder and easily cut about 25 MB if even more out. I'm really glad everyone is liking it. :]
I am a happy person. =) AGamer's wallpapers are ****ing BEAST, if you don't download this, you suck. Best wallpapers EVAR!!
mmm, wallpapers.... potentially awesome awesomeness... om nom nom nom, looking forward to this hopefully delicious feast of wallpapers at 18% as i type right now
Depends on your preferences, I like abstract art for my desktop so I chose Artistic first. Afterwards I went onto Dual Monitors to see what was there, and I found something I liked, and since my desktop is 1920 x 1080 I chose one there which fit PERFECTLY. <3 Thank you Agamer. :]
Dual monitors is if you have dual monitors, otherwise there are plenty of 1920 x 1080 walls throughout the pack. Otherwise, you're welcome.
Holy S. That's a lot. Damn. May I suggest you separate them according to their category to give much more convenience to us? For instance, someone (like me) isn't interested in certain categories, but is interested in the others.
They're already categorized. Who do you think helped him with that? =) Anyways, I guess I should download this again seeing how I don't have EVERY one of the walls. I'll check it out again.
I meant separating them into different download files according to each category. Sorry if I confused you.
I spent a week organizing everything together for one pack, I'm not doing it again 22 times, sorry it isn't happening.
Why not keep all the wallpapers in one just incase you want to check them out anyways? Even if you don't, make it easy and just delete the ones you don't want.
Hope you realize this isnt just on Forgehub but on plenty of other sites, so the idea that this is just for fh and needs to be what the community here needs : / Same here :/