Check this technology out. This guy is super smart and is going to be making a TON of money sometime, if not already. The vid is a couple years old, but the technology still isnt fully here yet. But it is very impressive. YouTube- Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote
At first I didn't belive him then when he demostrated it, it looked really nice. There's one thing that might be wrong with it though. The targets have long poles behind them and it is alright for it to stretch. But what about a person? Wonder if he can make it look right, or maybe he did already.
It should work fine with people I imagine, and it's probably not necessarily stretching, it's as if you got close to the poles then moved to the left or right.
X5 does make a good point, but this definitely can revolutionize gaming, for sure, that is if you're not playing with some buds at your house.
Gaming has become a lot less "social" because of things like "Live" and this, they promote you to stay at your own house to get the same experience, what made "the classics" so great was you'd get like 4 or 5 buddies, system link that **** up and play. Good times... Not to say I'm not excited for this though.. I'm really freaking excited.
That was amazing. Its was incredible how everything looked just flat at first, but when starting the head tracking, it looked like you were actually moving into the room. From afar it looked 3D also, but when you moved in it was more like the objects are removed out of sight. My concern about this, health wise, is, will become another Virtual Boy? Will it harm our vision and give us huge headaches, or even seizures?
maybe special shades that everything is carried on? like they set up some optics or whatever they are called to put the sensor bar on. oh the things the wiimote has been used to do. peoplehave made everything from smartboards to head tracking systems.
I would much prefer holography to create an ACTUAL 3D display then a 2D representation of a 3D image.
With enough money, you could make it into a holographic touchscreen. (The same style you see the Illusive Man using in Mass Effect 2, in the intro) You wouldn't need to pay for any more then the Holographic Projector, as any properly designed Holographic Projector could represent any reasonable scale of holograph. (E.g., a well designed projector could represent a 33" screen, a 25" screen, a 45" screen, etc., without any extra cost)