Well this is may first map ive thrown up here, its pretty basic, but i've had fun playing it and i hope you will too. and without further ado i give you: THE ARENA! (applause) The Arena is a symmetrical map with four spawn areas for each team of 1-2. made for 4-8 players, the best way to play it is with the attached gametype. there are no weapons on the map, but i am completely welcome to add-ons or modifications, as i have quite a bit of the budget left. here are the pics: And the links- Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Hope you like it! all constructive criticism is gladly accepted. darn it, pictures didnt work.... ill fix it.
Make sure you use imageshack and not images straight from bungie. I know this is a bit spammy but just a tip.
Save your pictures to your computer from Bungie.net, then go to tinypic.com or imageshack and upload them.
Here's a link to several tutorials. I recommend the Photobucket one, but that's just my personal preference.
Here, I since I have a ton of free time (SNOWDAY!!!!) I took the liberty of poasting a few screenies for you. Overall, your map is nice, but I couldn't use your pictures since they were totaly wrong. I know, picture poasting is confusing, don't worry about it too much just read the guide again. So, Your map is an octagon with 4 spawns on each compass side N,S,E,W. There is a nice basin in the middle. The first thing I would suggest though, is to move up the shield doors so spawns are 100% incheatable. Ok, here are the screenshots: Overview: Arena Top: Arena Bottom: Arena Across: Spawn: Anti Camp Tunnel:
Nice, but this idea has been done many times before. Your's is no different. Nothing about your map defines it as your own. It just looks like any other arena to me. What you should try doing is adding something unique to your map, something to make it different than everyone else's. Something to make it stand out, like structures or obstacles or more scenery around it for an asthetic look. Nobody likes a boring map, and almost never will gametypes carry the dead weight of a boring map.
if you're more visual then use the link in my signature it leads to an HD video of how to post pics on forgehub.
thanks for the advice guys. sorry about the pics, ill make sure my next one has them up right. thanks a ton a fluffy pillow, and ill try and make my next one more fun to play on as well as more visually appealing. i appreciate the criticism. no really, i do.