Hey, as you probably know, making a working (at least 90% of the time) mongoose loop has been VERY hard to do. As of yet, I have NEVER seen one. When I made my Chopper loop maps, MANY people sent me xbox live messages for me to make them a mongoose loop. Its just about perfected. [bungievid]105917652[/bungievid] I know..... You might not believe that it works that well, but it does. It DOES NOT bang you around, flipping you. It works, and the trick is to slightly angle it and to make it buttery smooth. Tighter guide rails are required as well for more reliable loops. Once I get my Bungie render vids back, I'll make a video and post it for you. (probably 2 weeks, I just used them a couple of weeks ago). I tried to buy more but you need an Amazon account to buy them!! WTF. Why not make it easy Bungie and let us use xbox points? *OK, I GAVE IN AND GOT AN AMAZON ACCOUNT AND BOUGHT THE RENDER MINUTES.
You'd think they'd try something like that. I'm sure not many people buy minutes through amazon anyway. Your loop looks very nice. The buttery smoothness is pretty visible which gives me high hopes that it runs as smooth at it looks.
That's going to be the idea. I'm gonna start making the actual track today, I just built the loop last night.
I played a map with a loop on Foundry. It was pretty decent for such a small map. I don't remember the name of the map but this definitely looks great.
That looks pretty epic, not going to lie. You've caught my attension, hope the rest of the track works out well as well.
That looks amazing. I had been wondering if it were possible to even complete a loop on a mongoose. I'm glad someone with the skills to do it managed to pull it off.
You're right.... I gave in. I still think Bungie should've made it easier for those people who might not have a credit card, but luckily for them, I did. They got another $5 from me!!! Anyways, in case you haven't noticed, I've updated my post, and there is now a quick bungie vid. I just started it in forge mode and did a loop to show you guys. Its not 100% perfect, but I'd say around 8 or 9 attempts out of 10 work now. I'll keep on it till I think its ready.
Looking pretty great! I wish it wasn't slanted sideways, but that is but a minor detail in this great loop! Loving it.
Well if they used MSPoints to buy render minutes MS would have gotten a cut of the profits. Either way the loop looks awesome. I look forward to playing on whatever race track this ends up in.
Ya, I originally kept trying to build it as VERTICAL as my chopper loops, but the mongoose def. has different physics! lol. I had to rebuild it on a slight slant, in order to keep Master chief in his seat!
Very nice. The only thing that sucks about loops is that it messes with your camera, so its hard to flow right out of one at full speed without accidentally turning around. Perhaps it could be worked into a map to work WITH the camera adjustment. In any case, its still very cool. I knew it had to have been possible, and I told people over at HaloTracks a looong time ago that I swore it was, but never could be bothered to actually try and make it happen lol. Really nice work. Now put it in a mapzorz!!
Well hopefully, I'll be able to think of an idea for this map to finish my One-Eye series. I see you've made some awsome tracks..... I'll try not to dis-appoint you!