Simple, just Rank the MLG Pros from 1-10 based on their skill and also based on your liking. Here's mine: 1. Snipedown 2. Walshy 3. Neighbor 4. ElamiteWarrior 5. Roy 6. Legit 7. T2 8. Naded 9. SK 10. Pistola
Mine is: Naded Snip3down Igoturpisto1a Walshy ElamiteWarrior Neighbour Tsquared Hysteria Legit Strongside Chig Karma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Honestly FlamesworD,Legend,Totz,Destin,Elumnite,Poweezy E.T.C and all these other new weird **** pros suck.I like all the old pros.But yeah thats my rating at the top there.
1. Snip3down (Best sniper and slayer skills no doubt) 2. Naded 3. Tsquared 4. ElamiteWarrior 5. Legit 6. Walshy (Claw method FTW) 7. iGotUrPistola 8. Neighbor 9. Hysteria 10. Karma Stats from Anaheim. Naded=MVP
Naded Walshy Shockwave Heinz Ghostayame Chig SK Braake (Not technically pro points-wise, but finished in 13th in Anaheim) Neighbor Defy
Snipedown and Pistola are both pretty new in the limelight, sure you're not confusing 'old pros' with 'famous pros'? Tbh, I'm not much of a fan of either Flamesword or Totz, but Legend is a genius. He's one of those brainboxes who also has his moments of skill prowess at really great moments. I kind of think of him like a mini Walshy in potential, not at the same level, but way below his potential if he found the right team. He's got a fantastic team attitude and mental game, and as Puckett said, "he's literally a student of the game". Some of the guys you said above have been on the scene a good while, just not in top 8 limelight. I wouldn't confuse said limelight with being old school or anything. Even the newer names, like Destin, have you not seen Dynasty performing lately? How can you think that deserves no respect? Anyway, OT (this is based much more on who I like rather than skill): 1. Pistola 2. Walshy 3/4. Lunchbox/SK (I just can't decide) 5. Heinz 6. Elamite 7. Defy 8. Legend 9. Neighbor 10. Naded @ Phenomenal: I know you're right in that Naded was MVP for Anaheim, but is it just me who sees that Cloud's stats are better? I never looked at them all before now, odd.
1.Naded 2.Hysteria 3.Igoturpistola 4.Walshy 5.Snipedown 6.Shockwave 7.T2 8.Legit 9.Neighbor 10.Demon D Naded 1. because hes playstyle is fun to watch, and he really stepped up hes teamplay in '09. Demon D on list because he owned at Orlando and has so much potential if in right team, though if I'm correct (which isnt sure) BtH kicked out some players, which I think was big mistake because theyre teamplay was perfect.
I don't think I can rank them, but my favs rrrrrr -Lunchbox -Roy -Pistola -Neighbor -T2 -Hysteria I'm new to the circuit. I started watching since Anaheim. I just love muglee naow.
1.Snip3down 2.Legit 3.SK 4.Shockwav3 5.Tsquared 6.Neighbor 7.Karma Thats my top 7. They are usually the only players I watch and that I think are that good.
1. Snip3down (shouldn't have to explain this one) 2. Naded, he has great skill and one of the best snipers in the league 3. Legit, a best since Halo 2 nothing more to be said other then he rapes when hes on 4. Igoturpistola, great slayer and awesome hair 5. Ogre 2, he kinda fell of the face off the earth but still an overall great player 6. Roy/ Lunchbox, can't decide who gets it but together they have great teamwork 7. Neighbor/ Hysteria, both great slayers and overall great players with great snipers 8. Walshy, not the best individually but annoys the hell out of people all while being a great strategist 9. Chig, seemed kinda underrated after Halo 2 but is now one of the best in my opinion 10. Defy, had to get him in here somehow, hes just amazingly fun to watch
Pistola. I think this man is second to none ATM. T2. Gotta love his backsmacks "WOOOOO". Cloud. What this man can do in a BR battle low sheilds boggles the mind. Snip3down. Just amazing all round. Elamite. Understated Hysteria. Best sniper in the league SK. Best Captain Walshy. Gotta feel for him, been there since the start and is a laugh to watch TiZoxic. His cool calm playing is inspirational Shanon.HE SHOULD BE PRO
Keeping in mind that I consider abilities as a team player marginally more valuable than individual skill in Halo 3... 1. Lunchbox (best 4v4 player on the circuit IMO) 2. Roy (when put together with his brother his raw slaying ability is used to its fullest) 3. Pistola 4. Hysteria 5. Elamite 6. Legit 7. Naded (when under the eye of a competent leader) 8. Ghost 9. SK 10. Walshy (Even with poor individual skill he is a master strategist, and a good judge of talent)