
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spicy Forges, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Recently I thought back to when I found forge and remembered some of the (crappy) creations I made.

    The first included a "competitive" map which had 4 tunnels rising up at an angle towards a central room with an OS. Underneath was 4 stairs leading up to a platform with a AC. The back sections of foundry were blocked and there was a sniper tower in one corner. None of was merged cause I didn't know what that was at the time.

    The next map I created was a muck around map on Sandbox. It had a house on the main level, a grandstand on the giant dune and a massive mongoose jump off the massive dune (with man cannons and all). The ramp launched you into the opposite side of the map and you got extreme air.

    When I made these maps I thought they were the best creations EVAR, but they werent. :(

    So tell me forgehub, what did you make when you first found forge?
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    The first stucture I tried to create was a diagonal bridge across sandbox but it failed pretty miserably, the idea stuck in my mind and eventually came to fruition in the map Eternity Vale in my sig.

    It took me days to work out you could actually rotate objects.. I used to drag objects around other static objects to get them to rotate.. how shameful.
  3. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    my first map is still the best map i have ever made. I made it back in July 2008 on Foundry. Since then I have made other Foundry maps and even tried to make new versions of this one without being anywhere near as much fun. Since buying ODST (therefore having Sandbox), i have not actually finished one map without hitting the budget, although I do have some upcoming maps. I think what made by first map so succesful (in my eyes) is that I did not think too much about it; I just had a general idea and put the pieces down. It is still the only map that I have thought worthy enough of putting on my fileshare, and it iss still there today.

    The map itself, called Fort Tint, is basically one two storey building built in the corner of foundry with a courtyard that is split into two sections and is bezt for free for all :D. It took only two days to make it (approx 3 hours) and I have not felt the need to change weapons/spawns since. The forging is a bit messy in places, uses no merging, and is not the nicest in terms of aesthetics but im still proud of it as i think the gameplay is great!

    Clicky if you want to see it :p.
  4. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
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    I remember the first map I made. Demon Town. That thing was SO much fun, especially when playing with people who hadn't played it before. Basically it was a infection game on foundry where you were in a town sort of place. The zombies always spawned in the same place that was a volcano looking structure made from fence walls. Spawn killing happened quite a bit. The funny but came from the fact that there was only one zombie at the start of the round, but because people started with magnums and the starting zombie was super powerfull the only way you could kill it was by using teamwork, which hardly ever happened. Everyone just ran for there lives. And the normal Zombies were the overused one shot super fast type. which allways made the sentinel beam the best gun in the map. I loved that map, it sucks i deleted it by accident )':
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    The first map I made was a bunch of scattered bases on Valhalla a few days after halo came out. Some friends and I made scattered bases and kind of had a "forge war." However I didn't have live back then so it wasn't nearly as fun and the map is long gone.

    The first map I posted on Forgehub is actually a obstacle course map. The only thing is though that although most of the obstacles were unique and the map had interlocking, nobody liked it too much since it was too hard. Only a few people I know of have gotten past the first obstacle. No tricks, just lots of stress, sweat and blood from those who went suicidal from the experience.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol my crappy creations are all on youtube :p

    Watch all my crappy maps here

    Theres a few ffa ones, a few random ones, a few experimental ones.. all suck though really :/
  7. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Forerunner

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    Over time, my forging has evolved. From march 2009 to early may 2009, I did not know how to rotate objects in forge. I would just place stuff in their original positions and call it a map. One day while messing around on Standoff, I made the greatest discovery for my forging of all time...rotating objects (on accident). The next big step was getting the legendary and mythic map packs. I learned the save and quit method as well as slight geomerging using the doors on foundry. My maps were still sloppy and total disasters, but they were mine. July 2009, my friend and i were bored and wanted a race map and he said, "I will go on FORGEHUB." "Forgehub??????????" i asked. He explained to me that forgehub had all of these maps and stuff. I was astonished at what i saw. Such excellent maps to play, too beautiful for words. I further increased in knowledge with better geomerging and i wanted to make maps as good as you guys. Ive practiced time and again, further mastering my skills and then early november 2009, i learned ghost merging and joined forgehub after starting my map A Bridge 2 Far. Its been a long journey for me
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The first thing I forged was on either the Pit or Sandtrap. I can't remember. Both of them were maps with huge armories. On the Pit, me and some friends would build armories in the spawn rooms that were impossible to get to. We didn't know anything about respawns or anything so it was just a bunch of weapons in one room.
    And on Sandtrap, we did the same thing, but on top of the huge towers. My friends and I would have huge battles from tower to tower, the only way up being one teleporter. There'd be tons of vehicles, grenades, weapons, power-ups etc. on each tower.

    Those were great times.
  9. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Forerunner

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    First thing i forged was on sandtrap. I didnt rotate anything so all of these warthogs, banshees, etc. all facing in the same direction. Many grenades, rockets, snipers, shotguns, etc. everywhere...
  10. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I believe the first thing I messed around on was Isolation. After searching for an eternity to delete everything, searching the menues for another eternity to find an option to make objects float or become immovable, i just made a small weapon rearrangement map. It failed.

    My first actual "creation" on foundry, was a fun little 1v1 map with some basic merging techniques. I think the file went corrput though. :(
  11. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    The first map I ever forged was a simple symmetric 2 base map on Foundry.

    When I first started I didn't know anything about forge, but I learned the basics like interlocking. The map was very simple, but still played surprisingly well. Definitely a lot of fun to build and the thrill of playing one something that I wanted to and that I designed was awesome, and a big reason why I keep coming back for more.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    a symmetrical castle type thing on foundry.. with lots of falling fusion coils.
  13. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    My first true project was on Last Resort and I called it Two Towers. Using the big boxes I built towers with armories in them on top of the sea wall the electric pylons close to the base. I was proud of it until I found out an explosion grounded my creation quite effortlessly.
    When I got Foundry, the only forging technique I knew of (by accident) was that you could delete an object out from under an immovable object and have it float. I created a castle map made for infection with a very confusing, close-quarters layout I still love and have today. I'm currently remaking it with my current skill set.
  14. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Forerunner

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    My first map was just a random foundry map, and the only pre-planning I had for it was that there would be three boxes and one person could be cheap and throw grenades down the middle, but someone could snipe them back from a crane. That and some other random boxes and sheild doors were the only things that I had on it.
    After that, I made a king of the hill map and I still fix things in it sometimes now.
  15. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    The first map I made that I actually liked was an Infection map on Foundry. The zombie was uber fast and had low gravity. He would spawn in one of those little side rooms, and the front was blocked off with those concrete barricades, and after about a minute, grav lifts would spawn on weapon holders facing the barricades. The humans spawned in a floating structure, where they had all of the weapons their hearts could desire. The only way for the zombie to reach the floating structure was to get a running start from the top of a double box I had placed and then jump.

    There was a grav lift on the floor that the humans were supposed to shoot before they had prepared themselves, so the zombie wasn't able to reach the top. The little shortcut way was something that I had accidentally discovered. It played reasonably well, and I might just remake it with some more fairness since I enjoyed playing on it.
  16. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    The first map i ever made was on Guardian, as it was my favorite map at the time and foundry hadn't come out yet. i pretty much just changed the weapons and added vehicles (for teh lulz). i didn't really know how to change weapon respawn time tho, so when i tested it it turned into a rediculous fiesta game and everyone had a copy of the rocket launcher/sniper rifles.... i think i still have it on my hard-drive...
  17. forgerallmighty

    forgerallmighty Ancient
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    When i first Got Halo 3, i was intrigued with Forge. The first thing i did was on guardian, where i changes alot of things around. I wanted a map that tried to trick you, or screw with you. First, i took a respawn point and put it facing out on one of the rails. This way, if you started running as soon as you spawned, you would fall off, and get penalized again.

    Then, i put a sender node, and placed several recievers on the same channel. 2 recievers would send you to a small armory above the central platform. the other 5 recievers would send you to your doom by falling of the edge.

    I also placed the active camo in the room with the blue projection on the roof, so if you didnt know it was there, you couldnt find it, since it was camoflaged . . . haha pun :)

    The first real map i made on foundry was a huge maze, that i had been dreaming up fow a while. It was big enough that it took up all the floor space, from wall to wall, and even had half of a full second story. It was full of traps, like the old Dumpster+AC trap, and a box with a sword that you could get into, but not out of. It also had plenty of secret tunnels, that i made with box opens, that server the second purpose of being the second floor. It was a fun map, and it amazed people back then.
  18. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I made a ship. On avalanche. Was about half way done when I realized it was crooked and I was running low on objects. It was buried in my pile of other unfinished maps.

    I never seriously forged until sandbox came out, and I decided it would be pretty cool to experiment on all my theories on it. I tried many times to make a ship, all I have are just rough outlines though. I made a cannon, a ship hangar that didn't take up much space (excluding the ship), and a simple drop chute that ran from the ceiling of the main level down to the crypt, that enabled someone to drop stuff down the chute to support team mates. It was originally supposed to be a drop pod, but stuff would always get stuck in the built-in crypt hole, so I re-purposed it. I re-purposed the cannon and remodeled it to fire golf balls across the map and into golf holes. The player would control the ball's movement by shooting at it with the gauss cannon.

    Oh yeah, I made a maze-like infection map on Foundry, which included many alternate routes, secret passages, shortcuts, hidden weapons, and man cannons that hurled zombies into random spots in the maze to surprise attack humans. I never got around to finishing it, even though I was 95% done, but I guess I got bored. I think it's on my old account, I'll get around to working on it again.

    Around late summer of last year I tried making a cliche asymmetrical map, D-day. I realized gameplay would be horrible and it would only be amusing from an aesthetic point of view, so I never got around to finishing it.

    I tried my hand at making a castle, inspired by my friend's fort map, but never really started. I still plan on making it though.
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I never really had any utter failure maps as gameplay is concerned. That said I have never been good at asthetics. Everything I made played epicly but I just never got around to rebuilding the maps with OLN, merging, and all the stuff thats nessecary to make a map work. Everything in my sig is that old work that im just too lazy to remove. dogfight and grip were both designed perfectly but sadly the pesky OLN and bumpy stuff screwed them over.
    #19 pyro, Feb 16, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  20. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    @pyro i have the same problem with nearly all my maps that i think are going to turn out well :/ does my bloody head in.

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