Foundry Bk trap~!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Spawn of Saltine, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Ever feel really irritated when someone calls you a BK or a Noob or (Insert insult here)? Well fear no more my brethren! I have devised a cunning plan to get back at the most annoying of players.

    At the end of the game I want your screen to look like this!

    How do you go about doing this you say? Well its fairly simple.
    1.) Start up a Custom Game of Snipes on MLG v2.3 and Make sure you are on the RED TEAM.
    2.) Go through your recent players menu on your menu screen
    3.) Invite the one person that called you a BK and/ or drove you bananas. Don't forget to add a message with the invite that says, "1v1 me *****!" or something like that.
    5.)Refer to Pictures below.
    If you are on the RED TEAM you should spawn to the left of the stairs in this picture.

    If you walk up the stairs and get on the gauss turret you should have a nice view of the cage. The cage is where your enemy will spawn.

    On either side of the stairs there is a nice platform full of weapons that you could also use to humiliate your enemy.

    Further to the sides there are turrets that you can access.

    Before dying, this should be the view your enemy has. He will continue to spawn in this cage until he quits full of frustration. NO, this cage is not escapable.

    i have actually used this and pissed off several people. its fun. the whole idea behind this is to throw someone off thinking they are going to v1 you playing mlg or snipes. The enemy joins the game and gets stuck spawning in the cage. On rare occasion, the enemy doesn't spawn in the cage though.

    Download Snipes
    Download MLG v2.3
  2. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    Finally! I've been waiting for a map like this! Do you have instant respawn? If not, I suggest you put it on. Also, if you're having trouble with the spawns, just put three starting points into the box and like, 10 respawn points.
  3. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I have 3 second respawn on, I know there is instant instant but It doesn't matter a ton unless you feel you want to change the gametype yourself. Foir respawns I have defender starting points in the box and many respawns and a respawn zone thingy. I also included 3rd team and 4th team starting points in there.
  4. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    personally, i think most can make something like this, or along those lines, and if I were "trapped" I would merely quit. feeling like the person who did this, truly is, a tit. Also that they are noobs who couldnt beat me
  5. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    make this on sandbox ... this looks like it was made like 3-4 years ago
  6. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    There really is no need to make it on sandbox when all you really need is a cage.. And if it was on sandbox than a cage would be much more difficult to make. Your comment really has no relative sense to it.

    As for the quality of forging I did... I didn't spend much time on something that didn't need it. I ghost merged a lot of it and left it at that.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    No offense, but only a true newb, or BK, or (insert idiotic insult) would actually do this and expect to think of it as a form of 'getting back' at them.
  8. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Lighten up, guys. This is farely hilarious, and the mapmaker actually went to pains to make it into a legitimate looking map (at least for its purpose).
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I find humor in it definitely, as a joke to a buddy.
    But not as a 1v1 callout considering how seriously people take those.

    ps: silverorange's quote is win.
  10. Ginger Kidd

    Ginger Kidd Ancient

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    Only a bk would make a map like this... If the person you're trying to get back at is halfway decent they will just quit within seconds of the game starting. If you get that butthurt over a kid calling you a bk over Xbox Live, maybe you should stick to Action Sack. People are going to get mad that I say this, but I honestly think that this was a waste of time on your part :/
  11. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Ancient

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    Its funny. Id use it against my friends but just them. i think you made it for fun and "vengance" but if you jut wanted to piss them off i dont know what to say. Anyhow its cool.
  12. Halacar

    Halacar Ancient
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    Its supposed to be a fun thing, he said he did it quickly, it is rather humorous, and your a 36. No offense, but its people like you we call bks in the pre/postgame lobby.

    I quite like it, go into a game and p*** off your friends for a little bit.
  13. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Oh, I have a map like this. Ill post it, because I thought you cant post it! Infact, Ill post it in an hour.

    Anyway, this looks pretty wicked! But, to make it more fun, there should be a little exit in the cage (Hunting is so much more fun!).

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