Sandbox Crescent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Digtl Warrior, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Crescent is a map built in the sky bubble, and has some good forging.It was designed for 4 to 8 players. Game types for it are Team Doubles, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Oddball, King of the Hill, and FFA. It's been a work in progress so I hope you guys enjoy.

    Download: : Halo 3 File Details


    BR -------- spawn 30 sec -------- 2 clips -------- # on map 8.
    Carbine --------spawn 30 sec -------- 2 clips -------- # on map 2.
    SMG -------- spawn 45 sec -------- 2 clips -------- # on map 2.
    Brute Spiker --------spawn 45 sec -------- 2 clips -------- # on map 2.
    Shotgun -------- spawn 150 sec -------- 0 clips -------- # on map 1.
    Needler -------- spawn 60 sec -------- 2 clips --------3 on map 2.


    Bubble shield -------- spawn 120 sec -------- # on map 1.
    Regen -------- spawn 120 sec -------- # on map 1.
    Overshield -------- spawn 180 sec -------- # on map 1.
    Plasma grenade -------- spawn 10 sec -------- # on map 6.
    Frag grenade -------- spawn 10 sec -------- # on map 2.


    From behind
    Red Base
    Red Side
    Red Pad
    Blue Base
    Blue Side
    Blue Pad
    Top Mid
    Bottom Mid

    Thanks for checking it out.

    #1 Digtl Warrior, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    spam post much, anyway it looks good, nice lines good smooth surfaces. But the teleporters could have some camping involved. Idk bout 4v4 for that reason but 2v2 seems like it could work quite well.

    I honestly thought this was conquest at the beginning haha, you did a great job with the symmetry i'll dl and try to get some games on this wk end.
  3. just defy

    just defy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow nice architecture. and yes. spam much. lol. but anyways! this looks good. love teh shotty spawn. really great way to break up the line of sight acros the map. did you do any gameplay testing? im sure it is good. you should post some better angles of shotty though because its a bit hard to tell exactly what is goin on.
  4. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Very good aesthetic touches you have added to make your map look good. The thing with the arks, the tin cups, and the column structures are just a few. I hope you will make a v2 or a totally new idea for a map.
  5. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    You've done a great job merging aesthetics into your maps, but how does it play? To me, it just seems like this map is more aesthetic than gameplay, especially since it's competitive. Don't get me wrong, the architecture on this is great. I'm just unsure about gameplay.
  6. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feed back, I will look into what I can do about the teleporters and see if they need to be any more camp proof. But like Shenanigans said their open, which was my intention. Hopefully I will be making a v2 sometime soon with the suggestions you guys have made. I will also look into getting some more screen shots in here for you guys.

    Once again thanks for looking.

    Here are the extra pictures I promised.










    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I personally think that you should add a Sniper Rifle to each base. That would encourage the use of cover, and making a few lines of sight inside smaller hallways. Otherwise, nice job.

    You're either a natural at forging, or you were already good and just recently discovered this neat-o website here.
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Cool map, I will be downloading it. It looks a bit open, but its hard to tell from just pictures. I'm working on a map that has turned out way to open myself right now. It wouldn't have been a problem but the limitations of forge got in the way of one of my awesome map ideas once again lol, so the map is going to be different than I thought originally.

    I might make one of these U shaped type of maps myself one day. This is the second one I have seen and they just have interesting features in common like being able to shoot across a long way over open spaces.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    All the aesthetics are good, and it should keep gameplay flowing, but the teleporters should really be replaced with man cannons. People are always disoriented and cannot fight temporarily after teleporting which can be a problem when teleporters are in the open and so close to enemies. You can merge mancannons into the floor so the angle is perfect to lift people across there. Besides this I think the map looks quite good.
    Also be sure your teams start midway up the U instead of at the ends because of the teleporters.
  10. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the mancannon idea, I'll give it a try. How would starting the teams midway help the game play, it seems like they would be to close in the beginning and cause a lot of havoc and rushed game play.

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