Should the mw2 endless games be brought back(with balancing changes)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I don't know about you, but some of the most fun I've ever had was the endless game glitch a while back. I think this is a great addition to games, especially mw2 because you can eventually end it with a nuke. But think about counter strike source, hundreds of never ending servers are filled with players constantly, staying for hours and having tons of fun without intermissions.

    The only problem with this glitch was boosting and the exp difference. Since it never ended you didn't have all that time in the lobby adding up, you were constantly getting xp. Your match bonuses were huuuuuuuuggggeee if someone nuked, etc...
    So, IW could make a playlist in which it plays games like domination, headquarters, TDM, and CTF where the games are never ending unless by tactical nuke. The way to balance it out so you don't rank up any faster than ranked games would be to cut XP amounts exactly in half... For example, in domination...
    In the regular game of domination you get 150 xp for capturing an objective, 50 xp for a kill(100 for killing an attacker/defender)
    IW could cut these amounts in half so it would be 75 per objective, 25 per kill(50 for attacker/defender). The match bonus multiplier would also be reduced significantly.
    I for one would like to see this implemented because it changes the game up and adds a perspective to it that can't be seen in a game that ends.
  2. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    There is no point in having any gametype except TDM. If the game never ends, than nobody is going to care about objectives. Everyone will camp and ***** every spot, all nuke boosting.
  3. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Not exactly true, for instance in domination you get xp for capping objectives and those objectives control spawns, in my experiences many people run around in circles getting kills and capping, or they lock down the desired ones for spawn control. It is actually more fun to have an endless domination game IMO... and headquarters would be great for endless games if you think about it, but they'd definitely have to cut xp for that by a toooon because that would be almost like boosting.

    Basically what I'm going for here is like what games are like on PC, some servers NEVER end, or take a long(by long I mean a few hours) to end, thus it is a more in depth tactical/more fun experience rather than a short 5-15 minute game.... You can leave whenever you want too.
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    like, if i only had 5 minutes to play, than i would join one of these. and it would be great for when getting kills with new guns and such. they should make it a challenge only playlist, considering you will be completing challenges all day.
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Endless search and destroy matches would be awesome.
  6. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Yeah, it would eventually get old, but it would be a lot like cs:s except there's perks and stuff. I think IW should do this for sure right?
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    no. unless you got absolutely no experience for it, the simple answer is no. Too many easy ways to exploit the game and cheat and boost.
  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I don't think so. I played an endless search and destroy match on scrapyard for like 4 hours. The other team just did not want to quit. We had so much points and it wasn't even funny. Our scores was like 50000+ each, imagine the match bonus!

    I couldn't take it anymore, I tried getting the nuke to end it, but there wasn't enough players on the opposing team to get enough kills with chopper gunner, plus scrapyard is a bad chopper gunner map.

    I figured if I played long enough, everyone would quit I would be left victorious, but that didn't happen, by hour 5 I was out! I just had to quit. That team was relentless and was hungry for that match bonus...

    What im trying to say is, endless S&D can only be played on one map, Rust! Any other map would just be extraordinarily boring!
    #8 Shihuru, Feb 8, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  9. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Really? well maybe I was playing domination. I dont remember...

    All I know is that the game wasn't going to end unless one of the teams quit...
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    The gametype S&D actually wasn't possible to make endless, the game would reset to normal settings every time, they even stated it on TTG, and I've tried it so I don't know what you're talking about... And as I said it would be very rare for search if ever(and xp would be limited, very limited). IW would most likely live it out.
  11. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    If you play sabotage then you get the occasional team that wants to play for kills. I had a full length game on terminal once and my friend got 74 kills. So no, there shouldn't be endless games when there are gametypes that last long enough already.

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