ok, I made this avatar for myself, and put it on and it had white filling the bg, but when i put on here it doesnt, cant someone explain this to me? and can someone tell me how to make it not have white bg when i use it for a avatar? I would have posted this in the customer service, but i feel you guys know more about this than them.
Well, I tried and just to see and it works perfectly for me. It's the right size and everything anyway. Your current one works as well.
to make it not have a white bg, i belive you have to save it as a certain image file, thats what mr. kelly, my bbt teacher tried to explain to my friend anyway. Im prety sure it needs to be a jpeg.
no, png works fine cuz that's what my current one is, but every time I try using this one it adds white around it to fill the rest of the square, ill try saving it elsewhere and check it
Delete your background layer. If you are using a png with no background layer then vB is automatically created a background.