Welcome friends, to Epitel. < Download. (note: if you've subscribed to get notifications of when I release a map and are curious why you didn't recieve one, I put this up really late at night and I wanted to go to bed. I'm sending out notifications tomorrow) Alrighity peepz, Epitel has finally arrived. Months of testing and tweaking has finally brought us to this point! And it was well worth it, let me tell you that. If you were a fan of epivolc, you will sure love the improvements brought about by the "sequel" to it. Cinematic Trailer YouTube- Epitel Cinematic Trailer.wmv Note: I am not sure why Youtube scrunched the size of my video, I am truly sad you guys won't be able to see it in all it's HD Glory. If anyone knows why this happened, please let me know. Thanks. Gameplay Trailer [bungievid]105846907[/bungievid] In the first round I accidentally switched the camera to another player, sorry about that and the annoying non-local-camera-glitchy-ness While epivolc and Epitel have some very obvious similarities: "D" Shaped base design set in the tall dune of Sandbox One-sided objective game bias and effectively using only half of sandbox's mid-level are only a few. More notably, the differences, while epivolc paved the way for this map, Epitel certainly stands out in a different sense. epivolc (unfortunetely) did not use any OLN items. That's right, you read that correctly, NONE! That being said, I was able to fit, lets just say, $352 more on this map. You know what that means? Bigger, Better, More-Baddassary. Epitel now supports ALL gametypes. (Some gametypes are NOT reccommended however, (Oddball COUGH COUGH, don't play oddball on here unless you have a party that will obey honor rules) Epitel's blue base has been significantly improved upon. The attackers will now find themselves protected from above nearly the entire length of the base. For those of you that like maps with a background, or story, here you go: "What was once an ancient Forerunner structure, has been buried in the sand and forgotten, until now. It's believed that the Forerunners were first apparent here while attempting to re-create similar installations around the galaxy. But until we know more, lets just fight on it." Now that I've probably killed you with word fluff, lets get down to the actual design, and gameplay of Epitel. Shall we? Yeah? Alright. Now, as you can see, this map is primarily based in the tall dune of Sandbox's middle level, half of Sandbox's middle level. Before you start gripping about the "fact" that people will simply walk far away from the playable area and camp with a sniper rifle, realize, there is no sniper rifle. Not one game have I played where someone is dumb enough to go for the long walk, if someone does decide to go out there, they'll quickly meet four BR bursts to their dome. Also for the "nay-sayers" about building on the tall dune, I have went to EXTREME mesures to make sure you are able to walk where you think you can walk. All of the slipperly slopes have been built over. Battle Rifle x4 - 10 second respawn Shotgun x2 - 90 second respawn Needler x1 - 120 second respawn Brute Shot x2 - 60 second respawn SPNKr x1 - 150 second respawn Energy Sword x1 - 120 second respawn Covenant Carbine x4 - 20 second respawn Sentinel Beam x1 - 120 second respawn Machine Gun Turret (only detachable) x2 - 120 second respawn Sticky Grenade x8 - 10 second respawn Power Drain x2 - 120 second respawn Regenerator x2 - 150 seocnd respawn Map Notes: The Teleporter leads you right under the main area, right in front of rockets. The dune itself will act as a backboard for your grenades, throw as many up there as you can. Info-photos Download Epitel Special thanks: Brendon/Scobra, AceOfSpades, OneNondual and his awesome-O customs, all the people that play in his customs (you know who you are) and all the supports of the original map! Thanks again guys! Thanks for reading! Feedback me please!
NICE MAP. Definantly a 5/5. Has very unqiue structures and the layout seems smooth. ZOMG! though, doesnt the red team have height advantage, making its base very campable?
Gameplay centralizes around height, think about it, which ever team controls the highest point of the map, has an advantage. However, when the highest point of the map, is completely BLIND against the lower portions of the map (unless you are on the rim), the advantage is taken down a bit. Also the fact that the defense base has four major points of entree and a few more subtle entry ways, it ends up being balanced. Thanks for the comment. Hope what I wrote makes sense.
Best ground level map i've ever seen. You do know that epitaph and epilogue are real words,not just made to sound cool. but thanks for not using the sky bubble.
Man, everything about this map is ingenious. The attacker's man-cannon is amazing, because you can either be directed to the sword or the area below the sword, and the entire attackers base is aesthetically amazing. I LOVED the underbelly of the Defenders base, because of how many little hidy-holes and stuff there were. Everything is simly beautiful. I'm proud to have tested this map once.
I remembr there was a version of this made for asset, what ever happened to that? I really liked it. i didn't really enjoy the first version just my personal opinion, not sure if I want to download this, it looks pretty much the same design wise.
Very nice on the release. Just got the message btw haha, anyway this looks really good mate. I didn't doubt you on the v1 after i saw it but this version seems like it'l probably play alot better. Now the blue team won't feel like they have no real sense of a base. Also at the asset comment above, thats what im wondering too. Can this support asset. Im sure probably not because you would have had to use money to create all the brute spawn and **** anyway this looks like a really good competitive map.
YES!! Finally Epitel is released! THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING MAPS I’VE EVER PLAYED ON!! Where to even start? Aesthetically the map is gorgeous, the gameplay is VERY solid, and Mancannnon = AWESOMESAUCE!!. I really like the huge half circle that is all merged right into the sand. I also really like all the merged pieces on that huge sand slope leading up to the base. Very Unique, I’m trying to think of anything quite like this, and nothing comes to mind. With so many solid maps out there, if a map doesn’t really have something special to it, it can be forgettable. This map has that special something. Even if for some reason you weren’t able to ever game with us again, I would still load this map up all the time. (And if I didn’t load it up, others would request that I did.) I know that my opinion might be biased, but even looking at this from as much of an outside perspective as I can imagine, I’m still in awe. I just can’t believe you built this ENTIRE THING over again!! Goddamn. One flag is one of the more difficult games to do in customs, but this map pulls it off beautifully. Normally players can get very frustrated while being on offense and having to fight against players above who are just focused on defense. But this map has so many routes to take, and flows so well, players never get bored. Truly an achievement. I absolutely agree that focused players will not go outside the main fighting area. In all the games I’ve played on this map, and a few of the games you weren’t there for, no one has EVER gone outside the playing area. Granted though, I know that the people we do games with are very cool, and stay focused on what’s going on. Still, I bet at I’ve had at least 40 different people have played this, and I don’t think they even noticed the rest of the empty space. I know you’ve already expressed being able to block off the rest of the map, but until Reach comes out and were given better tools, I think you’ve done the best you can with what you’ve got. (I’m really excited btw, for that Reach remake.) I look forward to playing this many, many more times before Reach comes out! Thanks for your hard work Noxi! P.S. About youtube not rendering your video in HD, it just does that at first, then the HD options become available later. If you look now, it has all the options up to 1080P! (How did you make it that high res btw? You must have bought some minutes and used way better video editing software than me.) Also Muse is one of my favorite bands, nice choice of music.
Well it's about damn time! I remember when you first started making this. I also remember when you finished the first build a few days later Still, this map is truly beautiful. I always enjoy games on it and I'm glad I got to help out a bit and give some ideas while you were forging this. For all the people that doubt the awesomeness of this map: Play a game of 6v6 One Flag on this and you'll go from :| to :O
What font did you use for the post? It looks really nice and professional. I wish I could post as good of a review as Nondual did, but alas, I don't have that much patience. I'll just go and say awesome map, l33t geomerging etc etc etc. You know what I mean and I've given you my input in game plenty of times. I'm jealous of your ability to make lifts.
Yay, finally posted although I sure hope you fixed that "flag away, defenders spawn" area (spawning behind the attackers base). It looks simply amazing, plays well and I sure hope this gets a feature. 10/10.
I am aware they're words. I was torn between "Epitel" and "Epithet" (epithet being a word) but I decided to go with my own creation. The v1 wasn't a word either. Thanks dude, I'm really glad you enjoy it! Thanks for the comment. Depending on what Reach has to offer... Look for a remake. It's coming, probably within the next couple days. Thanks. This particular version doesn't support asset, there is an independant download for that, and it should be coming soon... Thanks Nondual, very much appreciated, I love long reviews! As for youtube, it says it's in HD, yet its still squashed into 4:3 aspect ration. Gar. >.< lol :| to :O huh? Thanks man, this map would still look like this if you didn't step in and slap me. Yes, to everyone else, that is the FINISHED version 1. ... Century Gothic. (my favorite font) I do know what you mean, you've actually had alot of influence on this map. Hahaha, yeah, that little bug was sorted out. Not a problem anymore. Thanks Crypto.
That old picture is just crap compared to what the map has become. At this point, this map is beyond feature-worthy. By the way, you need to update your sig.
Such an incredible map. I would leave it at that but the map is much more... This map is essentially the epitome of aesthetics creating good gameplay. When I first saw this map my jaw dropped but I doubted how effective the gameplay would be because of the height variation throughout the map. Luckily, the gameplay was so unique and never got boring as compared to other maps on the middle level of sandbox. Definitely one of my favorite Sandbox maps to date (Feature nao.)
Pretty nice map. I really like the design more then the other one, looks so much more legitz. Also when you compare this to the other one, you sorta realize how plain and simple the other one is, pretty wierd. Anyways I give the map an honest rating of 9/10, all the times I tested this map i always had fun so hurray! Know you just gotta release the asset version, RIGHT!?
I think red have a closer spawn to the sword/ledge witch probibly evens it out BTW beautiful map, structures, and flow. 5/5 im DL right now and hope it gets featured.
Well, ask yourself this: Would you go out into an open area with nothing in it? If so, what incentive do you have to go out there? But to be honest, I've only seen two people go out there in all the tests I've participated in (which is a lot) and the moment they would be seen out there, they would almost instantly be picked off. Kinda like going into top mid in a game of SWAT on Guardian.
liked epivolc love epitel I enjoyed your first version of this map mostly because it had a really great gameplay balance. I love the new aesthetic features youve added. Tried it as slayer and a couple of games of one flag. Plays great good job. ManRayX LV-426SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT
The whole map is amazing both aestheticaly and gameplay wise. the mancannon=awesome and the underside of the defenders base makes for some nteresting games of hide and seek. (cough) feature (cough) 10/10
Finally! XD me and my mates loved the original, so i cannot wait to play once i've downloaded this. thank you for the message else i'd have never knew you released this 'sequel' nice to see the sword tower & semi-circular red base return and i love the changes you've made to the rest. its a 5/5 from me and if it plays the same if not better than the '1st' it'll be a 5/5 as well! also, keep me posted if you are going to release any more maps.