YouTube- Findings From Afar: Episode 1 Jurassic Park (Far Cry 2 Machinima) Spin off of our show 'Halo 3 Forges' except on Far Cry 2. Not that great of a first episode, the voices were a little screwy, but episode 2 should be fine. Episode 2 will be featuring.. *drumroll* The Legend Of Zelda. So keep an eye open for that, voices will be fixed. Comments? Criticism? Post 'em here.
That was a great map. It might even get me back into making Farcry 2 maps. If you guys can get some cleaner, clearer mics, I think it will become a great series. Make sure you ALWAYS can get the map maker though, my suggestion is to not make the video until you do. Even though you probably didn't try to, your wording on some parts was actually pretty funny. Good job, keep it up.
If anything, you guys have to use Skype and get at least some kind of basic all seems badly made and not particularly well-directed. But it is good to see stuff from the FC2 area, making me feel like playing it (where I'll realize that was an awful mistake once I start, but regardless )
We filmed the 2nd episode using XBL mics, seeing if it'd turn out any better. But if it doesn't, we're going to switch to high quality mics.
I like your recent shift to a more mature, watchable style. Keep pushing the quality bar higher. This did remind me of Far Cry's existence... might fire it up sometime this week.