Just because it looks cool. I answered that question about fifteen times during testing lol. Don't worry, multiple players won't be able to abuse it during game. We like our aesthetics...
Nice map. The only concern I have is the spawning. Some spawns, particularly near the stone bridges, throw you off as you spawn.
most of the time teleporters + oddball = fail by camping. idk how it would actually work out in a game, and i hate oddball anyway, so i think this map looks pretty good
I've Dled and had a couple of very enjoyable games, really loving how the map plays and the distinctive icy feel it has. Its beautifully made and I'm loving the prisoner-esque design to it. Theres some unique forging which I'm always on the lookout for, especially the lift which is beautifully smooth and a great transition to higher floors. My one problem with the lift is that theres no way (that I could discover) to only go up one floor instead of two, I think I managed it once completely by accident but it would have been nice to be able to choose somehow. Great map guys once again, this is one of my favourites from you two.
Weapon are good but change the over spawn because the over are on the SMG . Maybe do a drop weapon systeme on tghe power weapon !
Nice little touch you had with that camper huh? Anyway, this map seems to work well with all ssorts of things. I dled it and it AWESOME!
This map is remarkable… and in my eyes is in need of a well deserved feature. This map is both geometrically and aesthetically an aw-inspiring master piece. I’m going to have to acclaim this map five stars in all aspects because it is just perfect. I mean a perfect Prisoner re-make! Anyways I’m just saying somebody needs to get off their ass and feature this!
Yeah, this map is amazing. I can't wait to get some games in on here soon, so I can experience how it plays for myself. I do wish that it wasn't budget glitched though, I'm usually in larger parties of people and that can cause pretty bad lag if anyone doesn't have a really good connection. And I know that this map was designed for 1v1 to 3v3, I just usually have more people in the game than that. And this map is so awesome that I want to play it ALL THE TIME!! (lol) Seriously, thanks for making this guys! edit: Crap, I was looking through my maps and realized we did play this a 3 or 4 times back when you guys released this. And now I remember that it did play AWESOME!! And now I want to play it EVEN MORE!!
On the contrary, I've been looking around Prismer lately, just to see if it's too good to be true, and I found that it's very easy to pick up less than all of the camos. A person can easily take 3 of the camos, leaving one for another teamate. And using the equipment/powerup glitch, a person can be invisible for a very long time. Just thought I might let you know.