The flow isn't that bad, but granted, it's not perfect, either. If you named the sig "Carbine," then I think that there should've been a little more focus on the gun, and maybe some shmexy text that spells it out.
Colors are jaw-dropping, as usual. I personally think that the green lightning effect does not fit well this signature. A long hiatus and you're still doing fine. Keep it up. It would be nice if you replied to me (Sorry, it's that you're so good at this that I really want to push my sig request lol)
Sorry Rabbiittt that I haven't responded. I guess I can retry at it. Just VM me the request again, or if you have a new request or something. Anyway, thanks guys. @Panncakez- I suppose you're right, if I named it Carbine I should have put slightly more emphasis on the gun, but I think I sorta just hastily named it since I had no text.
Is it just me, or does the cloudy brown stuff look like someone threw up into a high-powered fan? No offense or anything, I'm just saying... Anyways, the green ripples on the right attract my dislike, although the level of sharpness on the spartan... well. I like it.
Seeing it, I agree. Colors are alright, I agree with Panncakez on the sig name/focal. I'm not really liking the ripples, seems like they're forced to be there. Not much to say, for me at least.
not much to say about this one, but, i can see the flow (though mainly on the left side) and i wanted to say that the guy is AWESOME
I actually love the flow in this signature, the only part that goes against the flow probably is the green waves that start from the assault rifle, and descend to the left. I don't really like the border, a thinner border might have been better. The depth is good, but I think the lighting is a little off. From what I see, the lighting is coming from above the focal's head, and you have it in top center of the signature. The goldish stuff near the actual background (Right by where you have the lighting) should be blended more, or given a little depth to.