ive got a good idea for a map. maybe.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Megapeng, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Megapeng

    Megapeng Ancient

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    it'll be like a bank robbery map where one team is the criminals and the other is the cops/bank employees where you have to get to the back of the bank and get something i was thinking either a custom powerup so you could kill all the cops or a flag where you have to get past bank security retrieve the flag and drive back to your hideout

    but i dont know how i would do this. i was thinking maybe make it like cops and robbers with honor rules or just raid the bank get the money and get the f out

    any ideas for how i should design this?
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sounds like 1 flag with a theme. The only thing you would have to make sure of would be to not allow vehicles inside the bank. Actually, I'm really digging this idea...

    Perhaps the vault could require a 'key' to unlock, like a power-drain operated door. And maybe the attacking team could be released after a certain amount of time. I'm starting to get into this...
  3. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think this would work as a multi story building with a flag or oddball in the vault. Then you could travel to the top of the building where there's a hornet that can fly to the point where you are supposed to get the objective to. Level design would be very important though because if it's executed wrong then the game could be too short, repetitive or unbalanced. There shouldn't be any honor rules because I think they tend to ruin a game.
  4. Megapeng

    Megapeng Ancient

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    i was thinking having to fight your way out of the building andget back in your warthog or mongoose and drive back to where you spawned

    also how would i open the door with a power drain?
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Eh, I've seen some maps with power-drain activated doors. Lemme find a helpful video...

    H3 Tricks was all I could find for now.
    YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 113 *Switches*

    I'm not a switch maker, but there are people around here that are. Just gotta find em first.
  6. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is my list of triggers that you can use to activate switches: Link

    If you need any other help just ask ;)

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