i made this map a few days ago when my internet was down, and since it was a 1v1 map, it didnt take too long. now, the map is obviously a extremely small map meant ONLY for 1v1 slayer. download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details weapons list: BR X 4 Carbine X 2 Mauler X 2 Rocket Launcher X 1 sniper X 2 (no spare clips, and the sniper is pretty much useless) Power ups: Over shield X 1 grenade list: plasma X 4 frag X 4 Screen-shots: ok, spawn killing isnt really too much of a problem, as long as you're doing 1v1. and the rockets arent overpowering. I find the gameplay is very fun and intense, so hopefully you will too. download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
i see a square, but an interesting one, also i'm pretty sure "conflict" is taken by a 1v1 map in the last tournament...
uhm ,ok then... and i coudnt really get an overview shot, but its a rectangle with rounded edges... but yeah, i guess i could change the name....
might just be the pics but it looks like the walls coming out of the centerpiece (w/ the carbines on them) arent straight. Also 2 snipers on such a small map seems unnecessary. If they are useless as you said in your description (although i find this somewhat hard to believe) they shouldnt be in the map in the first place. Other then that looks like a solid map for maybe 2-4 player FFA
I like the idea but as far as aesthetics goes one suggestion id make is make all the surrounding walls the same item like double boxes or double walls. Overall 4.5/5
i like how clean this is but i think there are 2 snipers on each side of the middle column? correct me if its just a br and i also saw a rocket launcher and over shields thats alot of power you might wanna take some of that stuff off
i must say, an overshield is waay too overpowering... and too small for more than 2 players @whiterice a suggestion would be to add a layer above it, meaning theres a break from just circling around. Maybe a 3rd even? with the bottom having a lift to the top?
thanks for all the suggestions, im going to make a 2v2 map soon and ill take all of them into account when i make it. thanks