Blue's guide to: Becoming a Successful Forger Becoming a successful forger is very hard and the forging business is often scary for people just starting out. Luckily I’m here to help you out. I’ve developed a three step program to get you on your way to success and profound glory in no time! Part 1 - Talk, talk, talk! The first thing you’ll need to do is go out and make some friends. Lots of them. They can’t be any random people you meet in matchmaking, though. They need to be forgers. This brings us to step 1:1. Visit every forging site you can find and make an account. Try finding a few custom game based sites, as well. You’ll be needing their uses later. And remember, people will know you by your name. Make sure it’s catchy and try and throw in a little “1337” when you feel necessary. 2. Be social! Remember that the forging business is all about who you know. Start off with a nice little introduction thread. Explain how eager you are to meet everyone and how much you love the site you are on. Be sure to compliment the staff on what a good job they are doing, too. They’ll like that. After this, proceed to comment on maps and socialize with members. Make sure their post count is higher than 500 posts, though! Anyone below that is not worth your time. 3. When you’re in the 500 post range, which shouldn’t take too long depending on how devoted you are, clear your friends list on Xbox Live and send every colored member from every site a nice little friend request. Even if they decline the first time, try again, and keep trying until they except. Remember that persistence is key! Deep inside they’ll respect you for strong integrity and perseverance. Part 2 - Build, build, build So you finally have your foot in the door? Good. Now you can begin forging your map. If you don’t have any ideas, just go look around your house. That cheap table you got from IKEA may look pretty cool. Try turning that into a map. When you have your concept down, work on a name. The name is the most popular aspect of a map. Simple names are not popular, so try and find something really extravagant. Use the dictionary or thesaurus for help. Google translator is also a great tool if you ever want to say something in another language. Forgers from foreign countries will often respect you for this. So now you have an idea and a name. Time to hop on the game. Here’s a description of what to do throughout the forging process: 10% completion - During this stage you should have a name and idea down. Now proceed to forge. While forging, hop on all your online forum accounts and go to the area where you can edit your sig. Here, type in “Your map’s name - 10%” When people see this, they will become very excited. If you’re feeling a little more crazy, replace your map’s name with something along the lines of “Secret Project.” You’re bound to get tons of messages begging to know what the secret project is. Remember to update this as you go! 20%-30% completion - By now you should have the main structure of your map complete. This is the perfect time to make use of the “map preview” feature which most sites have. Take a screenshot of the main structure in a really cool angle and upload it to the internet. Then post it in a preview thread. Sit back and watch as everyone tries to learn more about your map. Throw in some subtle hints and maybe a riddle. Everyone will be attracted to your thread. 40-50% completion - Now you really need to crack down on your forging. Don’t pay much attention to weapons and spawns, just worry about structures and nice aesthetics. Maps are all about presentation. If something doesn’t look good it won’t sell! 75.2% completion - You should be done forging and ready to test the first version of your map! Go and look for new members on all the forging sites you are apart of. Invite them to your games and get their opinions. You don’t really have to take their opinions into consideration, though, just let them feel like they’re helping. Once you have a good group of followers, continue building and showing them the changes. They’ll feel really special and your friendship will strengthen. 80% completion - You should be nearing the end of the building phase. Be sure to merge and interlock anything that needs to be merged and interlocked, as well as the things that don’t. People will respect you for the amount of time you put into your map to make it look good. Patience is key! Around this time, you should also make a newer and even better preview thread. This time show a little bit more of the map and get all your testing buddies to post on the thread and say what a good map it is. This will be sure to build up hype. 90% completion - Now you should be done constructing your map. This next part is a bit of a tricky process, though, so let’s look into it a little more: a. First start off a testing game with all your “testing friends” (aka your followers) and include one colored member from a top forging site. Have you “testing friends” boast about the map and how good it is until the lonesome colored member agrees. b. Now you can drop some of your “testing friends” and bring in a few more colored members. Make sure the “testing friends” and the old colored member tell the new colored members how good the map is. Don’t quit until the new colored members agree, as well. c. Repeat this process, dropping more and more “testing friends” until all your new testing friends consist of colored members. Now you have full support of the colored members and you should be ready to post your map! Part 3 - Lie, lie, lie (100% completion) So now your map is done and you have colored members to back it up. What more do I need? you ask. You’re almost there, but there is a few more things you’ll need. 1. Before you start anything, you’ll need to be prepared for all the “noobs” who post in your thread. Even though you have guys to help you out, you’ll need to impress these doubters with some intelligent lingo. Go search up “map design” on Wikipedia and other sites found on Google. You don’t have to read, just browse for little bits of information you can use. Words such as “flow” and “lines of sight” are good words to use in debates, simply because most people don’t even know what it means. 2. Sell your map! Cool videos and pictures are a sure way to get more downloads. Design amazing banners and you’ll be sure to attract a lot of attention. You should be done! It’s a basic guide, but look around you! Look at all the great forgers! Wouldn’t you like to be just like them? Follow this guide and you’ll be at the top in no time. (Here’s a secret tip: Befriend a troll to help troll on all the “noobs” spamming your thread. It’ll work wonders.)
Nice guide, but not much of a help to myself; but probably a great help for less experianced people who make maps. you may want to add one thing however, where it says "clear your friends list on Xbox Live and send every colored member from every site a nice little friend request." you should add "except for sarge, because he just mostly makes noobs go away." other than that, when I get off my ass and post my guide, we should hyperlink them together.
Step 1 - Suckup, Spam, Stalk Step 2 - Make annoying, eyesoring, overused signature. Step 3 - Bullshit Ahah, yeah okay guide man, but your basicly encouraging 'noobish' behaviour which is what you want to be the opposite of. Those people who are commenting on your maps, NUT BELEIVIN THE TRU7HS! Are 90% of the time correct, the other 10% are spam bots selling designer handbags at a fraction of the cost. I think you should look over your guide and update it with a less nooby ideas Also, offerin mah trollin services for anyone that be needin' me
It might not be 100% serious, but sadly it's true. Even if you've got the most badass map posted, it doesn't mean anything unless you've sucked up to the colored forgers as much as possible. Nice guide, it was funny to read!
I could tell this was a RRoll as soon as I realized Blue made this thread. Tbh tho, maybe it should've been in offtopic...
Sarcastic or not, you don't need all that to be a successful forger. It definitely helps, but if you make a good and unique enough map, it will get noticed (which is how you are defining successful). Just look at me. I didn't know any colored member on the site, except Dream, who I didn't know very well at the time. I had shown Back Burner to one person, didn't even know you could do a map preview, didn't test it, and posted it with a tiny description, basic pics, and a crudely made download picture. But it blew up because, at the time, it was the smoothest and most unique map on Sandbox. Everyone that is agreeing with the OP should be taking this time to work on forging a good map instead of complaining. But I guess it's easier to just whine about it, huh?
This must be why I've never been a successful forger. I've devoted all of my time trying to make my maps perfect, not publicising them. Gah! I'm so bloody stupid! How could I not have realised that good maps are made by publicity and pretty aesthetics, not gameplay or technical innovations?
Although I agree with you slightly Shaddo, I don't agree that just making an excellent map will suddenly make you popular. I'd say you got lucky... I've seen plenty of excellent maps that didn't get any of the recognization that they fully deserved.
Blue, I'm only taking this thread seriously because it's posted here. If your admitting it is a spam thread and the whole OP was sarcastic, then might as well be moved to off topic.
I really wish this was a joke yet it actually works. Although the entire thing about each percent completion is not really true, everything else really works. Nice post but do you really want to give away secrets; remember how many bad maps it takes to put yours in the top 10%. Notice skill at BSing^