It's finally time to set aside the giant black controller, because Xbox has made the decision to put it to rest. Effective in April. Xbox 1st Generation Being Put to Rest. I think it's sad that not only do thousands of Xbox owners have to upgrade, but games such as Halo 2 cannot be played online ever again. Even on the 360. Anybody care to share their thoughts?
Saw this on Kotaku yesterday. Now that Halo 2 is going down, Microsoft will be able to let us have more than 100 friends. I think it was a good move by Microsoft, it's the old console, xbox 360 has been out a few years now, xbox original is dead and the populating party was minimal compared to the 360 population. Another thought, maybe this was a tactical plan by Microsoft, maybe pushed along by Bungie, to free up server space for Reach? Possibly for the surge of users who will be playing the BETA. A move maybe planned so very soon after we get the BETA for Reach?
Yes I'm happy about the increase in friend size, but upset that Halo 2 multiplayer is over. That was the first xbox game I ever played and really launched a whole new view of video games. I say we all have a Halo 2 party or something before it dies. (even though I haven't played it in like a year or two.)
Tis' Sad to see Halo 2 go like that, but I rarely play it so I guess its not to much of an impact for me. Im iffy on the idea of a larger friends list being now ill be getting FR from alot of people, however better if those friends are people im actually going to talk to.
Hmm an interesting concept could be the fact that maybe just maybe Microsoft is gona do their little teaser for the next generation console. I believe that his summers top 3 (for me anyway) will be what ends 360 and brings about the 720 (just an assumption on the name). I mean you have Reach which " will bend the 360 to its limits " then you got BF BC2 which will totally be badass a step up in my mind from COD, and the new Splinter Cell game which to be honest looks like the best game ever. I wish i wasn't loosing h2 though, me and my buddies still enjoyed running customs on it.
Okay, How are we gonna play Halo 2 If the DLC isn't working? Thats what I want to know. Microsoft is retarded to start something like this. Its like getting rid of Xboxlive for Call of Duty:Waw. Microsoft is fricken stupid.
microsoft, i hate you... that was the first actual game i played that got me hooked and pulled me in to actually get a 360 when halo 3 came out, i loved all of the maps on that, especially containment... i better get a friggin containment remake in reach or ill rp microsoft a new one, because in all honesty i could'nt care less about more friends.
_No, its not. WaW still has some decent online value in it, halo 2; not so much. Sure, I'm all for doing almost anything to play some customs, but since my elite broke about a year ago, all i've had was a stupid arcade that I won as a door prize. That being said, I havent had a game on halo 2 for a long time, yet I played **** zombies on thursday night. _Basically; don't call microsoft stupid because they are ending a moment or two of nostalgia, they can hunt you down and shut you up. Just be glad that they are clearing out the sever, which means better games to come.
Well now you can have more buddies that wont be bothered -.- Microsoft isn't bringing out a new console anytime soon, thats a dumb idea. I can't quote exactly where I got this but basicly the makers of Gears of War said they would release a Gears 3 when the new next gen consoles come out, likely to be around 2015. That gives about a year or so before, that the console/consoles will come out, and who knows that could be a hint for Microsoft or for Sony. When you sign up for xbox live you agree to it's terms and when you download a DLC you are agreeing to the terms. In those terms I garuntee there will be a clause that allows Microsoft to pull down their servers. You are not paying for access to the servers, you are paying for the game, the graphics, the sound, the coding, everything that makes the games and the online is an extra that is provided. Now if they pulled xbox live totally then they would have lawsuits on their hands because you are paying for the service, the only way they can take it of you is if you break the TOS of which you agree to when you sign up. Now the only thing I agree with there is Microsoft is stupid in some of there decisions but this was a long time coming and is the best time for it, before Reach BETA is released when nobody will be actually playing anyway -.-
Halo 2 online had double needlers. I'd like to see you balance out that argument. I think it's great that XBox is expanding the future by retiring the past, when you think about it, would you rather play Halo 3, Wars, ODST and Reach Multiplayer or Halo 2 Multiplayer? They'll probably get some new servers after a while and have a smaller multiplayer for older games.
H2 Needlers were balanced because they sucked. Halo 2 had some great nostalgic replaying, like having a useful pistol, awesome maps, and some fun little mini-games (even if they were plagued by honor rules). Bungie is also holding a "Playdate" for Halo 2 on April 14th, the last day of Original Xbox Live support. It would be cool to see like, a TGIF party when the deadline becomes near hosting Halo 2 games. Old classics like Zombies, Lava Man Hide 'n' Seek and such would be lots of fun.
Oh, what the memories I had on Halo 2, such an amazing game. Also, if it wasn't for Halo 2, I don't think the xbox live we have now would be exactly how it is. The way is separate Halo 2 and Halo 3 is imagination. Halo 2 took complete imagination. Games like zombies, lava man, attic, hide and seek, and clue all took imagination with little help of adjusting gametypes. Halo 3 changed that for the good and the bad in a sense. Forge recreated those gametypes, but took less imagination, in a sense of the word. Anyway, I'll find myself playing some Halo 2 in it's final months, just to commemorate it.
Are you serious?! Is that a real question? Wars and ODST absolutely SUCK! Halo 3, I only put up with because that's what a lot of people moved to because of the amount of people online compared to halo 2. Reach is most likely going to go down as well because they keep making games noobier and noobier. Halo 2, in my opinion, completely kicks all their asses and I'd much rather keep that rather than whatever stupid reason they are taking it off for...
Personally, I think this move is way overdue for Microsoft. It's bad when a company can't pull their audience into the world of new things. That's a sign they're doing something wrong. Like Sony still manufacturing and selling PS2 games. bad.
Personally, I feel the benefits far outweigh the outcomes. This could easily mean evolving from stuff that was relics of the old Xbox Live system, such as the 100 friend limit (though I doubt they'll change that, unless they add some kind of grouping feature). What would be great is it Bungie eventually did a reworked version of all the old games: Halo 1, 2, and 3, and put them in a legacy box or something, after the release of Reach, with all the same assets as the old games, except with the updated Live, and potentially with Xbox Live for Halo 1. I think that would be awesome, though very unlikely. Luckily Perfect Dark is doing that, and we should be seeing it in the Marketplace soon ;D
last time i checked and that was just now, this thread is in halo discussion that generaly implies that halo is the topic of the thread in some way. if you want to evade this kind of excuse, you may want to move this to game discussion or somewhere else... additionally, I dont see any first warning if this is the last warning. On topic: financially this is a smart move on microsofts part, seeing as those remaining original xbox owners that want to play online now will have to buy a xbox 360, games, and xbox live again. greedy bastards... only real thing we get out of this is the possibility of more friends, which im not even sure has been proven to be true.
I agree with Rook. I accidentally posted an identical thread like this in Game Discussion because I didn't see a thread in Game Discussion for this. The ideal of Xbox Live for Original Xbox being taken down reflects every game that has Live not just Halo 2. In my eyes this topic should be moved to Game Discussion and the discussion should not just be about Halo 2, like Insane has said, and be about the whole concept that there will be no more Live for the original xbox. Also, I've been dying for a larger friends list for forever, hopefully it will happen.
Suggesting you need more than one warning is ridiculous. One is more than enough to be a 'last'. I hadn't noticed it was in the Halo Discussion, to be honest, however it IS entirely gaming related according to the title, adding an 'along with Halo 2' doesn't mean it belongs here. Will probably move or lock. They're definitely not being greedy, IMO. They've taken their time and for progress to be made, you move out the obsolete stuff. There's so few people who still use the original xbox regularly, I think it was a good, though a little sad, move.