Hey, im a little new to the map making on Sandbox and Foundry. If anyone would like to judge my maps, i have one slayer map( ON sandbox), and 2 racetrack maps( on sandbox). I havent put them in my file share, if someone were to request me to i would thoguh. -stp09210
Hi, welcome to Forge Hub. Unfortunately this was posted in the wrong section because this section is for finished maps with screenshots and a download link. For your case, you should check out the Tester's Guild. We test any maps you want and give feedback on the map to improve it in the end. Just post a date a time that you would like to test each map. Also, check out our Forging 101 section if you want to improve any forging techniques you have developed.
Then please read this before posting your maps. Also, don't really worry about if they are good or not. Our criticism will only improve your forging ability and make your a better forger in the end. I know I have improved immensely since I joined Forge Hub with all of the support of other members.
don't listen to anyone give you **** about where your post is and stuff like that. This is a website not a prison, you'll learn over time where to put stuff but you should put some pictures up first so we can see a little bit ur maps. PS, its not about whether ur maps are good or not, its about selling ur maps the right way to get the most dl's
theres rules for everyone to post where things belong for organization and convenience, think before you talk.
Ah, newbies who don't read the rules are so amusing. They act like they don't know anything but think that they can do whatever they want. The Law Around These Parts [Click Me]