Has a forge mode in Halo: Reach even been confirmed? A lot of people are talking about it and I know it's all what ifs and stuff, but some people seem almost sure of it. Bungie would be stupid not to include it.
Is this supposed to be a rhetorical question? The odds are is that Bungie would most definitely include Forge into Reach. It's almost like if someone were to ask if Nabisco was going to leave out the creme filling in their new oreo, it's just almost unheard of.
It was stated that there will be forge in reach...It was in some announcement bungie posted idk which one though.
I never saw that. Care to find? It is most likely that Reach will have forge. Reach is obviously being concentrated on the multi player side of things and they wouldn't leave out customs games, but have you ever seen a group of 12 7 year old playing infection on a default map, unless they are complete noobs and don't know how to download? It's quite obvious that it will include forge, but that's going ONLY on assumptions so we cannot say for definite. If Adelyss posts the link then I guess all is good
Forge confirmed in the last Edge Magazine, the GI Podcast, and I believe one of the GI videos as well. It'll be there, don't worry,
Indeed... I can't find the post/video but it has been confirmed and Halo: Reach will have Forge mode along with the other extras you have in Halo 3.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia. But yeah, It would pretty much be the end of FH if Reach doesn't have Forge.
I laugh at those commercials. And thanks for the confirmation. I hear everyone talking about forge in Reach and it would be a huge let-down if it suddenly wasn't in there.
I really hope it's similar to H3 Forge. I would hate a FC2 map editor. I believe it would also ruin what we know as forging.
Anyone know if it's going to be a legit map editor this time around or are they still going to have random physics, clunky controls, and not being able to merge things without doing time consuming tricks?
Firefight, not as such, But they are designing BOTS for multi-player. Don't know if they will include them in game, but hopefully they do...as long as they make a good job of them. This is based on speculation over a Bungie employees post, which was later hintedly confirmed and to the post above (just because I like to put in my word), hopefully they leave forge very similar, because otherwise anybody can forge and there will be no good forgers, because it will be too simple for the 12 7-year olds to make their infection maps, and us forgers (probably shouldn't include myself) will be out of job.
Okay... I had a feeling that they were doing this as soon as they stated that campaign areas were multiplayer maps, but I'm still having trouble believing you... May I ask where you heard this?
Sounds like the Poll Tax (early US history) to me... an artificial barrier to keep the established group on top. They most certainly will make precision easier and quicker. Extremely patient forgers that ruled Foundry may be out of a job but creative ones won't be, and will rightly so, will rise to the top. I want 7-12 year olds forging.
Friend with connections to bungie told me on live, so I goggled it and somewhere found a quote from a bungie employee saying that firefight would be included in a more 'multiplayer' way and people suggested BOTs. These people were hintedly told they were correct. still unknown if it is true or not. ps. Forgot to add that it was speculation in original post, so edited it.