Foundry: 1v1 Zone Download 1v1 Zone Hey guys this is my last update and I finally figured out what I needed to delete in order to complete my center piece. AceOfSpades707 I hope you enjoy my new center piece Now the map is complete and I hope you guys enjoy 1v1 Zone.
waaay better version. gotta say. of course you fogot the shotguns and rockets nice job with red flag spawn
Hmmmm, This is funny because any other "small map" that was worse than this you'd probly ***** out for having a rocket launcher. But yet on this you say add one? Just something to think about.
ay bro you smoke weed? -------------------------------- Before you reply in a smart ass way let me show you what my precognitive future I calculated of you responding to my question: Ak Tulio 907: "Are you f*cking stupid confusedeath ?" Ak Tulio 907: "Can you not see that I have a marijuana avatar picture, and your asking me that if I smoke weed?" Ak Tulio 907: "Your stupid as hell." So ya since I analyzed your negative response I already know your not a very bright person, so I already know the answer for my self. Poser... ----------------------------- Admins or moderators can you please lock this thread because I already know where this is going to go, so ya thanks for who ever locks this thread for me
Ok, I don't care if this is spam but you need to understand what I am going to say...."DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!!" I thought parents were supposed to tell their kids this stuff.
They do but most of the time I'm 75% accurate and aided me quite well, and I'm not like those irregular idiots who judge by the cover because they want to have a laugh, and secondly did you not see his offending post ? I'm tired of blind and LukeWorm people such as your self, if you want to let an offender get away with things then by all means support all the bad things in life. And watch who your calling a kid buddy, another thing is that your statement is UN-relevant and will not be considered for response and will be looked at nothing more of black and white with no value whats so ever if you don't do your homework and research and investigate before you make your conclusions, such as saying "Kid" when you don't even know my age, and age is UN-sufficient and you would be a fool to believe so and fall into so many false paths in life. My age: 19
Dear god, If you exist, please tell me why you created such fools? K thx bro, -Sarge Now, I will start by saying that you are both idiots, rather than preemptively judge you like mr. xRANDOMNAMESURROUNDEDBYXsx here and thus rendering my own fallacy unarguable due to its incoherence, I am simply going on explicit examples found here. First, read the rules, your comment is not only spam (as it doesn't help the map in any way whatsoever, rather it merely muses that you've some supernatural sense of understanding that makes you the Einstein of mapmaking) but it's rather incoherent. I mean, you go straight from a comment about the map to a presumption about his thoughts, and well, that's just retarded. But you're not alone sir... Look at that brilliance. Now, I will say that Tulio was far more mundane in his attempt at a preemptive strike, but ultimately it was more effective, it really just left me confused as to how one could conceive such a thought, or conceive the thinker of said thought to begin with. But that's neither here nor there. I don't know what school of argument you belong to, as it is probably every other idiotic one aside from the logical "Rhetoric" on which all western society is based on, but, trying to make yourself appear more intelligent by directly quoting a POSSIBLE statement and thus judging the person of said possibility as faultier than thee, is well, absolutely retarded. Now, I realize that "retard" is a taboo word in its misuse, so let me clarify, I honestly think you're in the lower 80s, which in turn, allows for enough intelligence for you to discern what that number applies to, hopefully. HINT: It's not age. We'll get to that. I'm sure you do, did, do, ****. What I'm trying to say is, I'm entirely certain you are so far down the proverbial rabbit hole (hint: I'm talking about your own ass) that you saw my intervention coming, and have formulated a response to every single one of my points. In preparation for that, I locked the thread as I figured you already replied to this in one of your posts. ****, the next post I quoted was your last post, guess you didn't get to talk about me. Hm, you're ruining my faith in psychics sir. ::sigh:: I won't infract this simply because it was an attempt at mediation amidst stupidity. But it is spam, so don't do it anymore. I'm 99% sure you pulled that quantitative data out of your rabbit's hole, the other 1% just allows for a margin of error to make you think I actually thought the number through. So, you're not like the rare idiot who judges a book by the cover for laughs, you're like the common idiot that does it because they're simply idiotic? I'm fairly sure the "irregular idiot" you speak of is not an idiot at all, but a social critic, hell, possibly even a comedian, you probably just label them as such because you don't know the joke applies to you, but that's forgivable, since you probably didn't understand the joke to begin with. Pretty sure he did...hence the mediation before my moderation. Which makes you one of the people you are tired of, namely the First, I applaud your use of capitalization, as it clearly denotes you are the darwin of our era, discovering a new species of worm which you have dubbed "Luke" Second, I think you're lukewarm, you should probably get that checked out, oh wait, 98.6 degrees is within the bounds of normal homeostasis, silly me, I'm just a cold-hearted bastard. Damn, you're even commenting about life in general, quite the philosopher you are, quite the thinker indeed. I better go on and let that idiot get away, I'm not supposed to interfere with the past and let you be born and all. OH FATE, YOU ARE SO FICKLE!!! Yeah, you watch it bro, he might be 19 or something, clearly outside the realm of being applied to a colloquial expression, and you're forgetting HE WAS NEVER A KID! The United Nations?!?! Well, they're irrelevant in this discussion. I guess he just followed your lead of discussing the bad things in life and thought it wise to consult the UN. I...don't...understand Just like you researched and investigated the correct spelling of "whatsoever?" Well, I don't know about you, but I don't want some weird person poking into my past trying to discern my age to see if a common phrase meant to mediate applies to me. Wait, so, you told him he should research to make sure the phrase applies to determine your age, but it's not sufficient enough to use it in the first place? You're driving in circles man, good thing it's sufficient enough for the UN. I'm assuming you researched and investigated his life and determined that he fell down many "false paths" so I'll just leave this one alone, you creepy bastard. Clearly not old enough to formulate responsible, respectable and relevant (hey, three words that begin with the same prefix) posts. You're welcome.