HALFALANCHE Author: Dirt Jockey Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Players: 4-16 Recommended Gametype: Team Games-Neutral Assault, MultiFlag I always liked Avalanche the way it was, but I found it too large for smaller groups and wished I could have the same gameplay with smaller partys. This is my feeble attempt. So... I blocked off the one side of the whole map by building a wall in the middle- literally splitting this map in 2 and utilizing the coolest half (the side with the bridge). Then I built a pretty decent base that mimics the original. Of course it is not the same, it features all the same flag/bomb and weapon pickup points in a relatively symetrical pattern to the original. Then I built a couple towers in the middle with strategic importance before working on the original base by adding an extra ramp to the side so there is effectively 3 routes of travel from one end of the map to the other. Features: -Twice the fun in half the size -Both sides can now use the Neutral Mancannons this map Naturally hosts. -Covenant vs Spartan Weapon set. Weapons:2x Rocket Launcher, 2x Fuel Rod Gun, 2x Sniper Rifle, 2x Beam Rifle, 6x Battle Rifle, 6x Carbine, 1 Shotgun, 1 Sword, 1 Laser, 1 Plasma Turret, 1 Gun Turret, 1 Missile Pod Vehicles: 2x Scorpion, 2x Wraith, 2x Warthog, 2x Prowler, 2x Ghost, 4x Mongoose Equipment: 2x Trip Mine, 2x Gravlift, 2x Bubble Shield, 2x Deployable Cover, Stick and Plasma Grenades, 1 Overshield, 1 Active Camo Gameplay: Very similar to the original. Dark Base Dark Base opposite view Dark Base entrance Dark Base overwatch Inescapable wall Sealed out Light Base Light Base back door Tower 2 Tower 1
The idea is great and the map looks well done BUT you have WAY too many heavy vehicles and power weapons, get of 1 beam rifle, 1 sniper rifle, 1 rocket launcher, 1 fuel rod gun, 1 tank and 1 wraith at the very least.
you can crouch and escape part of the wall. Ive been working on a similar map for one bomb and i used your wall. don't worry, i'll give you credit
This is a cool idea but I do have some concerns. 1. There are WAY too many power weapons and vehicles like pyschoduck said. 2. You can get out of the map, so far I have found 3 ways, and 3. if you can you should try and smooth it up but in other words great map.
Ive been holding my tongue. ONE SIDED GAME TYPES! Because no matter how hard you try to make it even, it won't be. Also, put this on the list for the Testers Guild. We pretty much tell you how to make the map better by signing up and testing it. But besides the game types, it looks like a smexy map, but way to many power weapons to be fun on foot.
This looks like it flows terribly. It can't be worse than my maps, though. Nevertheless, I created a map with a similar conception and I believe I titled it the same thing as well. That was ages ago, when I knew how to Forge aesthetically, but I didn't know how to make maps flow naturally, and I reckon you have the same problem. Key to making a good map: make it flow naturally and structure it so every part can be defended equally. Nice idea, though, but not very original since its been done before, hence my map.
Id be interested in joining the testers guild. I mean- I spend alot of time forging so im always lookin for ways to improve. I dont plan to make maps overpowered or one-sided, so id love to learn what I gotta do to make it right.
OMGAR power weapons! Balancing power with power is not always a good thing my friend, definetely reconsider your weapon/vehicle layout.
Seeing as though you've named the map Halfalanche. I half expected the wall dividing the map to be well constructed. But as far as I can tell from looking at the first picture, it's merely blocks stacked on top of each other. There's even a couple cracks in the wall that look easily escapable! I highly suggest you give geomerging a try. There's ghost merging (no-clip), the old-fashioned merging... But I guess the map isn't based on a wall, it's based on what's beyond the wall. When you no-clip, or ghost merge, I highly suggest that you brace the object prior to no-clipping it. This will allow you to make straight walls that aren't such an eyesore. But beyond the wall, I see an overcrowded vehicle playground. That's not a bad thing, but it's not a great thing either. If you look at the full Avalanche in matchmaking, you'll see that Bungie evenly placed 13 vehicles around the entire map. But you've cut Avalanche in half, and there's 14 vehicles! That's one more vehicle, with half of the map! I'm not saying that's bad on gameplay, because I haven't tried it yet, but usually maps of this size will have two vehicles at most in each base, and a neutral vehicle in the middle. The scorpions also look oddly placed, and inconvenient to drive out of the base. It's a nice looking map overall, but it might suffer in gameplay. But who can judge gameplay without playing the map? Not me, of course!
Your post was well thought out and well informed. You are absolutely right about the wall being blocks stacked on each other rather sloppy. It was the best material available and my intention wasnt to build a perfect wall, rather to separate half of the map. If anyone is that bound to escape a map rather than playing the gametype shame on them. I did Interlock most of the wall and I would have No-clipped Geo merged the wall IF I had a large enough budget to properly brace each block- I couldnt achieve this WITHOUT budget glitching the map so I settled. If you download this map, you will notice the budget is maxed. Of course I might be able to free up the budget if I lose some of the vehicles. I would fix the map right now and repost it if it didnt reset my downloads from the whopping 100 I've got so far lol. Thx for the imput though. But for what its worth- the mad power weapons and over abundance of vehicles makes this map pretty furious and relatively even. (Ive won Neutral bomb on either side)
I love Avalanche maps, but you really need to balance the weapons and vehicles well to make it work. You've got twice as many vehicles as regular Avalanche; we don't need another Standoff Heavy Also, giving one team two scorpions is almost completely unbalanced. Either you absolutely dominate the Wraiths/Banshee with crossfire, or get instapwned by Lasers. Not fun either way. Although, since I'm interested in how this plays, I'll DL anyways Also, I'm liking the bases. Very snazzy, and so much more invigorating than their Sandbox counterparts.