Map Title: The Bridge V.2 an updated version of my original bridge Download Map Description: Ok so this is version 2 of my original bridge, this one is longer and a bit more detailed. the grav lifts in the middle will take you up to the sniper posts. underneath the bridge is a spartan laser, but be careful fusion coils are scattered around it. underneath the ends of the bridge are shotgun and rockets. play this with slayer or KOTH. also please tell me what I should do to improve it ( made it in about 2 hours)
to be honest I really do not like it... sorry. things to work on: You should really merge this stuff together from what I see. Maybe try to fit other ways around the places. make a bomb, and CTF varrient. It could be very promising. Remember: you have a good start, but think of new ways to make it better and all in all a better map. but It looks like you have a good start so far.
okay, i have seen both versions... and i must say, there isn't much different about this version. the fusion coils are a bad idea. can i download this and make my own v3? i'll make it uber ^^. you can still take main credit, i'll just be a 'special thanks'. k?
This is kinda like my map, I wonder if you got the idea from my map Final 024(takes place on and around a center bridge) I like the towers on both sides of the bridge. other than that i feel as if there could be more to it.
hey be my guest you don't have to give me main cred just mention my gamertag. like I said kinda new to this and this is only my second legit post. If anyone wants to download and alter feel free that's why I posted it. first off I never heard of you let alone took your idea, I'd be curious to see the resemblance. send the link if you'd like
^SPAM^ ok i like the idea and how about we work together and use it as a template because ii have some brilliant ideas to improve: fusion coils 2. more interlox if you need help with interlocking i will gladly help overall 3.5/5
ok yeah first off I'm good at interlocking I was just rushed to finish this. I could have done it a lot better. the fusion coils were there because one of my idiot friends said "hey that will stop em from going underneath." next if you want go ahead send me a Friend request JONNY WAFFLES11 tell me you are from forge hub or else I probably will just delete it.
never heard of you eather. The concept of a center bridge was what i was refuring to by the way. heres the link bud:
remake this on sandbox. it would work 1000000 billion times better. trust me it looks really tight tho. it just doesnt work on foundry....
OMG!!!! Please make this on sandbox. If you don't, I will! This is a cool idea. And when you do it, make it look like there are buildings around it. So people can duel it out in the ghetto and snipe from the buildings. xD still. 5/5 idea.
looks ok to me, just get rid of the fusion coils, and add more cover spots down in the bottom ( interlocked ) but long as you can make it nice and neat, sometimes theres no need for it. but i would reccommend interlocking 100% of the map. for now ill give a 3/5 please make a v3 :]