Downloads Cervantes 2 The Hunter The Basics: Intended Gametype(s): Infection Required Game Variants: The Hunter Number of Players: 4-16 Gametype Information: Name: The Hunter Score to win: N/A Round Time Limit: 10 Number of Rounds: 1-5 Player Traits: Radar Disabled Infinite Ammo Spawn with Shotgun and Battle Rifle+ 2 Frag Grenades Weapons Pickup disabled Alpha Zombie traits: Movement 90% Damage resistance 500% Damage Modifier 150% Normal Shields Shield regen Disabled Radar Disabled Good Camo Spawns with Gravity Hammer Infinite Ammo Weapons Pickup Disabled Zombie Traits: Damage Resistance 50% Movement 300% Gravity 150% Damage Modifier 75% Spawn with Energy sword Last Man Traits: All player traits 4x Overshields Damage resistance 110% Damage modifier 300% Map Summary Please ensure that you have downloaded the infection variant called "The Hunter" before playing this map. With the addition of several well-placed dead ends, new catwalks and a sealed room from which the alpha zombie spawns(This will be explained later), this map is creepy on it's own, without the lighting effects. Players must escape from a monstrously powerful, hammer-wielding alpha zombie in pitch darkness, a beast which only the last man standing has a chance at defeating. Watch out for the dead ends, there are plenty of them. The Alpha Zombie spawns in the lower level of the "maintenance room" (in the shotgun tunnel). After going up the lift, the zombie must stand behind the shield door and swing his hammer to detonate the fusion cores on the other side, making for a rather...explosive entrance. I am aware that the bridges curving around the back of the level have a few issues with them, I'm working on fixing that as much as possible, though it does seem to add a bit to the feel of the map, in an odd sense. While I have made a few changes to the general structure of Blackout, this map is more about the environment than anything. I think it has an almost...Silent Hill sort of feel to it. There are no usable weapons on the map when played with "The Hunter" variant. Screenshots: The Zombie's Lair Catwalk around the back Catwalk connecting the Sniper tower and the BR Tower One Scientist's failed defense..... A Barricade that did not quite work The Beast makes its entrance
The screenshots are nearly impossible to understand with the filters on. I suggest that you have all the screenshots with no filters on and then just one screenshot, or some action shots, with the filters on. That way, we can see what the map actually looks like.
2 ideas: For the catwalk, flip over the bridges. they look bettter that way. For the screenshots, take off the forge filters. Seriously, I couldn't see anything.
I love playing infection maps that scare you so much you poop your pants(True Story.....)and this is one of them. Great map, Ill dl when Somebody fixes My XBOX LIVE!
Hmm...flipping the bridges...That's actually not a bad idea. Also, I'll get a few screenshots without the filters on pretty soon here, as well.
Oh yay, another Infection map with Forge Filters! I must DL this to add it to my pile of other super-cliche maps! Really, did you think this would effect a huge change here? It's not exactly original. Those Forge Filters really bring down the map.
I suggest taking some screenshots with the screen affect off so that we can actually get a good understanding of the map. i will have to download and get back to you on how it plays.
See, I thought this was a forum for the sharing of ideas and concepts coupled with critiques on the aforementioned. If you don't have anything to contribute to this thread other than some useless, sarcastic comment about how my map is "super cliche" (without even looking at it, I might add), then kindly stop wasting everyone's time. Also, please get off your high horse. I hate people who display the kind of arrogance that seems to be coming off of you in torrents. As well, I didn't think ANYTHING about what kind of 'change' this would 'effect' here. I posted it in casual maps because I made it and decided that it was fun after playtesting it with a few of my friends. I'm sharing it for the purpose of other's enjoyment, and to get critiques on how to improve it. Furthermore, I actually DID make structural changes to the map, and if you actually bothered PLAYING on the map, you would have found that out, no? Finally, the forge filters actually DO add to the experience of the game on this map-again, you actually need to TEST it to understand that. I would prefer if you would actually give me an idea of how to improve any faults with the map instead of just making some offhand, snarky comment. If that's all you have to offer, I'm not wasting any more time with you.
I think that forge filters are underused in infection maps, and the monster move feel is great for the gametype you have.