Pop-Up Vender DOWNLOAD HERE About This Switch: This switch is touch-sensitive weapon vender. In the bottom of the tube there is a rocket launcher in a weapon holder. After 10 seconds a man cannon spawns along side the tube directing it's push towards the top of the tube where the player stands. Because the man cannon spawned after the rockets were settled the rockets are unaffected by the man cannon until they are 'bumped'. When a player wants to obtain the rockets all they must do is; go to the vender, shoot the item down below, and it is vended up to them. Pictures: INSIDE THE VENDER: BEFORE 10 SEC THERES NO MAN CANNON: AFTER THE MAN CANNON SPAWNS THE VENDER IS READY: LOOKING DOWN THE TUBE BEFORE 10 SEC: LOOKING DOWN THE TUBE AFTER 10 SEC: SHOOTING THE ITEM (Rocket Launcher): THE ITEM ARRIVING AT THE TOP: NOW YOU HAVE ROCKETS: *Note that this switch will work for any weapon or equipment* [URL="http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=105552078'][/URL]
it should get pulled into the top weapon holder if you dont catch it, i think. cool switch, seems like a one time use though.
Rook's right. The weapon holder at the top (see the first picture) will catch the weapon for you then you can pick it up.
Maybe you ought to think about releasing a "Switch Pack" of sorts, as you seem to be making a lot of nifty little switches these days. I suppose that this, in all actuality, is really just a complex timed event. Still cool, though. It's really amazing that you could think up all of these.
Hmmmm... I like the idea of a "Switch Map Pack". Ill try and make some really nice one and put them together soon. Thanks for the idea Panncakez!
Thank goodness you won't stop.You have the most incredible switches.I'm glad your posting to Forgehub, it's a wonderful place to include your maps.This switch would be good for a timed event map so it would pop up when your reach that area of the map.
what i think would be even cooler is if you didnt have to shoot the weapon... would a fusion coil falling on the opposite side of the mancannon and exploding work? or if you could even incorperate this into a rb switch that would be amazing. im sure it wouldnt be too hard to get something to explode with the help of moving a vehicle which would cause the weapon to move then be shot up to you... (if exploding something next to the weapon works for making it move) just some ideas. if they work awesome. if they dont, oh well this switch is already pretty legit
This switch looks great! All your switches are great good job. So If I wan't different things to come up, all I have to do is delete the rocket and put whatever right?
Correct. Just change out the rocket launcher with another item (or several at a time) you want to be vended.